Hi Guys, Your Piccies look so cool. Have a safe journey to Vietnam and thank you for the postcard!!!
We are looking after you big sis, had such a giggle in the office this morning, miss you being here still!
Take care
Nat xxx
Mum And Dad Mcg
Hi there
Great to speak to you again on Sunday - well timed to get us at home and Claire and Karl too. Goa sounds like a bit hit with you both, I think you were really ready for some sun and relaxation. Great to get updated blog and photos yesterday, although first lot of photos with "comments" then vanished?! Some of them then turned up on another album without the comments?! My favourite has to be James in his camel/desert outfit!
Enjoy your last few days there and safe journey onwards to Vietnam. We look forward to next blog from there.
Love to you both XXX
Hi Guys, Sounds like you're having a fantastic time. The pictures look amazing! I'm sooooo jealous! We got your postcard yesterday. I was very excited when I came across it in the post- so much better than invoices!!
Anyway will write again soon. Take care. Love Marian and Siggleleegee!!!! xx
P.S. Claire is being well looked after!
The Bobbles
Hi Guys how jealous we are looks like you're having a fantastic time (muggings aside) - will try and keep up now that we have sussed out blogging....keep safe the Bobbles X
Ma & Pa Mole
Have torn myself away from a brilliant start on today's sudoku to find some excellent photos. Couple of points though, what were you sitting on James with that one on the boat........ a wry smile! And, what's with the egg Rois?!! The body surfing will help when you reach Bondi - keep practising Rois!
Finally went to Vicarage Road and saw a win, not convincing of course & I was sure we'd succeeded in snatching a draw from the jaws of victory - 3 points much needed & Saints did us a huge favour by beating Bristol City. You proabaly wont hear from Chris for a while, he'll be in shock! Heard this football chant - Eduardo, oh,oh,oh, oh, Eduardo, oh,oh,oh,oh. He came with silky skills, now he walks like Heather Mills...........oh dear.
It was back to school today, so holiday really over now. The snow yesterday & this morning didn't help. Other bit of news is that the dining table is now in....hurrah!
Take care, love from all X
im going to see the new series of gladiators!!!!!!!!!!!!! how excited am i.
glad to hear your safe well and happy.
ps did you send me an email back because i think i delted it?
Hi both, well done on getting photos up, you look like your having great fun, i'm glad to see the Gnome has made an appearance. I'm about the same as you Rois when it comes to body boarding, spend more time under the water, keep having fun and keep safe love the Avery'sxxxx
Rois And James
Blog and photos done! However it's nowhere near all the photos - esp not from the camel safari. BUT we'll see what we can do about that another day. Hope it works! Lots of love xxx
ps. Niamh, the socks had to be worn - rope burn and bites - it was on the official list of things to bring! (Oh the shame..!)
Roisin McGrory - do I spot a sock and sandal combo whilst riding upon Mr. Magoo????? In the words of Pumbaa...'and oh the shame!' x
wow guys,
I came on here thinking you may have put one post up by now and there are loads-impressive stuff! Looks like you are having an awesome time, if not slightly random at times.
After reading about a few of your transport woes it makes Transport for London seem like a reputable company (yer right).
Not a lot going on here- haven't been to Shades although the abusive pensioner from woolpack was in my road mumbling obscenities under his breath as I walked behind him. I could do nothing but applaud.
Anyway hope you keep enjoying your time away-I will log on much more regularly to you blog as you update it often.
Until next time get some drink on get some smoke on etc.
Hey folks! How are you? Pics look amazing. Rois, you look wonderful and James, I am loving the pose! Your travel blog definitely sounds adventurous. I cannot believe you've both experienced so much in such a short time! Sorry to hear about Delhi belly and good on ya James for sorting that horid, horid (yes amateur) pick pocket guy! How rude indeed. I hope that the rest of India goes well for you both and I am looking forward to the next blog! Love and hugs x x x p.s. Rois, I bumped into your sister Claire TWICE in one day at Cov and Nuneaton train station! Lol, and Claire filled me in with your travels, cos I couldn't access the net for a bit! :o)
Rois And James
Hi all!
We have tried several time over the past few days to get photos up, and to blog, but it hasn't worked! Another town, another computer tomorrow!
Goa is still beautiful ... and hot! Heading a little further north tomorrow. Hope to give proper update then. Love to all xxxx