Hi all
Rois here. Welcome to our first blog! For those of you in the know, you will realise that we have not, as of yet, left for ye olde 'round the world' trip. However there are already much-needed updates!
Firstly, and most importantly, you must know that after a tense game of flip-the-remote-control (rather than coin!), James won the rights to have his name first in EVERYTHING. Hence 'James and Roisín'. Please feel free to read as 'Roisín and James' !
Secondly, we have taken pretty much two hours to create this simple website - not only did we play above-mentioned game, but we also had to face the pressures of naming our site. I mean, really, how do you play it?! Factual, humourous, random ... should it include our names or not?! it was tough.
After much to-ing and fro-ing we came up with the most obvious plan of action - put on Toy Story and steal a quote! Hence 'To infinity and beyond!' We hope you are pleased with the result.
An insight into our other title ideas...
"If there's cow poo on the floor, what shoes do I wear?"
"The carbon footprint tour 08"
"Lady and the Tramp" mwahaha
Off to book hotels / spend money on immunisations / buy essential items, such as wheelie-case-backpack for Rois (I wish!)...
Until next time, Over and out xxx
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