Old World Exploration
Edinburgh, Scottland was an amazing city full of unbelievable Architecture. It ranges from 16th century to monumental Georgian and Victorian....absolutely breathtaking. We took our first day to tour the city of Edinburgh. The majority of our time was spent at the Edinburgh Castle where I re-learned all of the "fun history" I never seem to retain in school. We filled our brains with very interesting Scottish History via our audio guided tour which we sprung for(along with the other retirees).....notice one of our photographs in the castle with Edinburgh in the background, Jamie is still wearing his scottish history headphones......
On our second day we packed for the day and took a tour of the Highands, covering just about the entire country our highest point in Lochinver.....crazy that we can do that all in one day. We had a really enthusiastic, fun Scottish tour guide who had a really great sense of humor and kept us laughing the majority of the trip. This day was packed full of brilliant scenery which you will see in many of the pictures we took on Jamie\'s camera some of them now up. There were also many battling grounds we covered along the way, as well as some incredible castles which date back several hundred years, pretty amazing. The half-way mark stopped at the ever so famous Loch Ness, also known as the home where the "Loch Ness Monster resides". There is some reward of 250,000 pounds for anyone who can get a full body photograph of the creature. There were also some crazy looking cows we saw in many of the pastures we passed, they were called Highland Cooz. I'll try to get a picture of them to put on here.
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