The majority of today was to be spent on dry land. We hired a motorbike for James and Kirsty and a bright yellow scooter for me. I certainly looked the part but the scooter had something wrong with it, some water in the engine or some other nonsense. Consequently as the day progressed I got slower and slower as the day progressed with more frequent cut outs and when it came to hills there was only one option, James and Kirsty had a looonnng wait at the top! Kirsty was mainly in charge of filming but had a trial run on the yellow beast and felt the slight breeze of wind in her hair as she 'zipped' down the road!
The national highway was the name of the road but of course, we are in the Philippines so it was more like a tiny 'B' road that was 70% incomplete. We rode for about an hour until we reached the western side of the island and the town of Concepcion. We stopped for a drink but after our filling breakfast none of us was particularly hungry-there was a toilet that flushed so swings and roundabouts, Kirsty was pleased!
We were told about a waterfall only a few minutes ride away from the town so we went to investigate. It was a short walk through the forest/jungle to find the falls and we made it with relative ease and somewhat unscathed. Kirsty did manage to find a boggy patch of mud and turned her £1 (matching) flip flops into a brown blob. The waterfalls were small (I am not moaning!) but beautiful and the best part of all; they were all to ourselves, so we got naked…JOKES! We jumped in from the rocks, swam around a lot and fed some of the fishes with meagre crisp crumbs in the attempt of getting them to swim around Kirsty.
We decided to start making our way back to K-K as we wanted to do some kayaking around the mangrove forest and with the speed of my scooter everything took longer than expected. We had just started to dry off when, around the same time as yesterday the heavens opened, again. It was time to put Kirsty's shower proof rain jacket to the test, testing concludes it is definitely not monsoon rain proof and so we sought shelter for half an hour until the rain began to ease. We got back onto the bike beasts and stopped at the kayaking place. The price was 300 pesos per boat and included a guide. The dream team and potential future Olympians Kirsty Hunter and Emily Mansfield stepped up to the challenge. Our timing was pretty poor as it was low tide so half the time was spent pushing, pulling or falling out of the kayak- to be honest this made the experience all the more amusing. Kirsty and I realised we have an innate talent for kayaking (hard to believe with my previous record) but perhaps we would be best at the slalom as we took the zig zagging route through the mangroves. What? We really did want to see the trees close up-double, double, double, double RIGHT!!
At one point we left the Kayaks to hunt for crabs. They were tiny but had one giant claw and each of them had brightly coloured shells. On the way to see the crabs we walked through the boggy floor. We were all walking and talking-mainly about how great we are at kayaking and then, all of a sudden, for no apparent reason, whoosh, splodge, laugh. Kirsty managed to find the one deep hole on the river bed and stuck one foot right into it. It was hilarious and served her right as at that precise moment she was mocking James! It made it even more amusing that her pristine t shirt was splattered with mud when, only moments before she rolled it up and stated 'I don't want to get my t shirt muddy!' This has a similar ring to Nan's hair story in America.
The hour on the kayaks flew by and disaster struck at the last minute; but we don't want to relive that!
More sweets were consumed on our safe return to K-K (thanks Kel!) James and I dropped off the speed demon and all got dropped off at Winnie's for a delicious fish supper and a chilli for James.
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