James and I arrived in Lima with two days until the Mansfield's arrival. I could barely contain my excitement over the impending arrival but we managed to have a few interesting moments to note. When we landed at the airport we had read that you can get unofficial taxis from just outside the airport for a whole £2.50 cheaper. A guy approached us and offered us a fare that we considered reasonable. Unfortunately none of his workers could be bothered to move and refused to take us! We got in with another passenger and had to wait for about 15 minutes before the taxi left the airport and then the taxi driver dropped the Peruvian guy off and we waited in the street for another 5 minutes. Eventually we made it to our hostel and had a sort out before heading out for some food in the evening. The hostel owner told us about a street with lots of restaurants so we went straight there in the hope of finding something quick and cheap, we were so tired. We will not be going back to the restaurant we tried. Not because the food wasn't good, it was. Not because the service wasn't good, it was. But I made such a fuss about the wording of the menu when we thought we had been over charged for my meal. When the waiter gave it to us for the price I had thought it would be we left the extra money as his tip. He thought we were mental and shook his head when he counted the tip we had left! The reason I made such a fuss was the principal of the menu error and wasn't his fault, he clearly thought we were mental!
The next day we spent the morning organising what we could do for Mum and Dad's day in Lima. We checked out the hotel, booked a bike tour and a table at the swanky restaurant. In the afternoon we went to Huaca Pucllana which is an abode pyramid of the Lima Culture from 400AD that was, until quite recently used as a BMX track! The tour was interesting and the ruins were impressive. We avoided the street with the restaurants on for obvious reasons and discovered some amazing pork sandwiches sold in the park.
The next day was the 26th and when Mum and Dad (M&D) were landing in Peru. We packed our bags and headed straight to the hotel; it had a double Jacuzzi bath and was really swanky (M&D weren't so easily impressed). James and I wasted time in the Jacuzzi bath, whilst learning everything about Shirley McLain, before heading to the airport to meet M&D, we were so excited. It was so good to see them again and I was so excited about the next two weeks. They were both tired so after a quick clothes swap and getting lots of goodies from Nan, Kirsty, Kelly, Sara and M&D we went for a quick drink (James got another sandwich, he couldn't resist!).
With only one full day in Lima we had the bike ride booked in the afternoon thinking M&D would need a rest. However, Mum got up at 5ish so we went for a walk around Miraflores Plaza, a quick shop in the mall and to the amazing supermarket called Wong. We face timed number 2 grandchild and then headed out for our bike tour. Our tour guide was a nice guy from US but he did have an awkward giggle and giggled a lot. The bike tour was good fun, despite a drizzling of rain and a few problems with the non-existent brakes, pedalling backwards to stop is tricky!
We had a quick turnaround before our evening meal; it was just enough time for James and I to have another Jacuzzi! The restaurant was really nice, and the big boss man, Peru's answer to Gordon Ramsey, was in the kitchen. The food was delicious and the extra touches, appetisers, and a sweet box to finish, made the meal even more of an experience. James did try Guinea Pig and it was tasty but luckily it didn't look like a Guinea Pig, Mum would've been more horrified! James and I wanted to treat M&D so I snuck off to pay the bill. When Dad asked for the bill, the waiter, in perfect English explained that the young lady has already sorted it. Dad, looking slightly bemused just answered in his best Spanish 'Si, Si'! He clearly hadn't understood what he said, despite the English language and when Mum explained, in English again but slower he finally got it! We were wetting ourselves, I think I was crying with laughter in the end. Mum kept saying, 'but he was speaking in English'. Poor Dad it was hilarious.
- comments
Mummy Mansfield Not the only time Dad had trouble with the English spoken language! So good to see you both so well. Xxxx
Gdawg! Sounds fantastic - lucky M and D xxx
The block who said..... You really must treat your elders and betters with more respect. I am sure your father was merely drinking in the restaurant's ambience and was somewhat taken aback by a local trying to speak the Queen's English.