23rd- 25th June
Colonia del Sacramento, an old smugglers port was our one and only stop in Uruguay. It was such a lovely town, cobbled streets, old Portuguese style architecture, great views across the ocean and friendly people. We decided to stay an extra night here as we enjoyed pottering around the historic town so much. The highlight of our stay here was our day with a dune (or doon if you're James) buggy. It was bright green and we 'ragged' it all over town, even overtaking cars and laughing in the faces of the tourists who had rented golf buggies. We visited all the sights in about an hour so went to Fray Bentos road, which was a bit out of the way but with a bright green buggy you can explore anywhere! It was so much fun I laughed nearly the whole time we were in it and James exclaimed 'this is the greatest day ever!' haha so brilliant to have our own 'mega cool' transport.
Lunch everyday was always a treat with local meats as a sure winner and Empañadas for tea from miserable bakery girl. On Sunday we didn't realise that our bakery would be shut so had to have a really expensive ice cream, James ordered the same as me and was not enjoying it at all I didn't tell him until after that it was praline flavour, luckily it didn't affect his nut allergy!
For our last night in Uruguay we got a few beers and sat on the old port (smuggling part) to watch the sunset. It was a gorgeous view and we got some great pictures, but James wasn't satisfied so at the last moment we had to run, with beers in hand, to the next jetty to try to get some better pictures. Just as I got around the corner the sun had set and I asked James if he got the shot he wanted. Unfortunately he had hit the record button and got a short, not very clear video of the sun finally setting. I found this very funny and was not sympathetic to James's artistic disaster. Colonia was one of our favourite places so far, similar to Paraty in Brazil but without the beaches.
- comments
The bloke who said turn right at the traffic light Emily, There appear to be some serious health and safety issues raised here; no mention of helmets, driving without due care and attention, running with beers in hand, subjecting James to potential allergic reaction etc. I feel morally obliged to contact the HSE and I suggest you hire the services of a competent solicitor.
Gdawg Don't know where you will find a decent solicitor- mine is off on his jollies yet again leaving me home alone! Is james nit allergy the same as his mushroom allergy!
Danni Sounds like you are having an amazing time! All good with me, this working abroad lark is pretty good, I could get used to it! Stay safe, lots of love xxxxx
Mummy Mansfield Like the up date on the map. Nice to see you are heading to Peru. Can't wait to see you both. Love and hugs. xxx