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Passau, Germany

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Passau, Germany

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Český Krumlov, Czech Republic
Jen I agree. I'd like to see pictures of your room. Do you have a window?
re: On to the Viking boat.Jen I agree. I'd like to see pictures of your room. Do you have a window?
re: On to the Viking boat.Sherry Jordon I'm enjoying your blog. I almost feel like I'm on this trip with you.
re: Passau Walking TourCaroline Anxious to see pics of the room and more of the boat! Glad about the service and the lamb looks so good!
re: On to the Viking boat.Sherry Jordon Glad you loved the Cathedral, Gary. I'll see if I can find some more.
re: Prague CastleSherry Jordon I just read your comment about Madeleine and it makes me so happy! We love her so much and think of her all the time!
re: Old Town Walk In PragueCaroline Madeleine is snuggling with me in bed as I look at this and she is beside herself with excitement seeing these pics of Sherry and Bill. "I love Sherry and Bill!" ... she keeps saying!
re: Old Town Walk In PragueCaroline Sounds like a fabulous day and yummy food! Thank you for FaceTime fun with Anna!
re: Old Town Walk In PragueSherry Jordon Fun day! I can't believe Rick led us astray about the gardens! It was so nice to see Anna!
re: Old Town Walk In Prague- last visited

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- Massachusetts
- Italy
- Austria
- Italy
- Massachusetts
- Prague, Czech Republic
- Český Krumlov, Czech Republic
- Passau, Germany
- Budapest, Hungary
- Feeding Hills, Massachusetts
Sherry Jordon I'm enjoying your blog. I almost feel like I'm on this trip with you.
Caroline Nap :-). Just not the same without Amelie, is it?