In a new place now called Innisfail where we came straight from Cairns. Got a greyhound about an hour and a half here. Unbelievable scenery on the way here, really liked the views. I was trying to read Bear Grylls whilst we went along but it's impossible when it looked that nice outside.
So we got here and I got put on another bottom book... Result! The long lasting people in my room joke about me not deserving it because I snook in whilst they were all at work. They all call me Prince, as in Prince Harry. Shock.
The first night we were there John (the guy who owns the hostel and gets us our work) came into my room and told me there was a space on a fish farm tomorrow, had to be up at 5:45 for that. Two weirds can be used to explain that day; An experience.
I got there and within a matter of minutes Marty, the farmer, took me to a pond which was full of dead Barramundi fish. He gave me a net and said get all the fish out. That was my job for the day. To get approxiametely 1000 dead 5kg fish out of a pond with a flimsy net. What made it worse was that the pond was low down so I had to lever the fish out rather than just be able to put it on the side. Very tiring work when there are so many of them.
Then once they were out a guy followed me round with a JCB whilst I picked them up and put them in the front. The bad part about this was that Barramundi are covered in spikes so you can't pick them up normally, you have to put your thumb inside it's mouth and use your finger and thumb on the bottom lip. Never the top one because they have sharp teeth there (I learnt the hard way). Oh, and I did this all without gloves, in 30 degree heat. Not to mention the farmer having a go at me for filling up my water bottle. Like I said, it was an experience!
So since then I haven't had any jobs, I've just been sat in the hostel doing nothing, occasionally walking to the town which is about a 25 minute walk. Finished Bear Grylls which was incredible. Met lots of really nice people here who have been travelling all over the place, including an Irish couple in my room called Yvonne and Paul who are just constantly giving me ideas of where I can go travelling. Get on with those two the most and they really nice about food and things, if they see me eating a packet of noodles they'll ask if I want some of their food or want to add anything to it which I really appreciate. Being the youngest person out of everyone in the hostel can be a good thing sometimes!
At the moment I'm thinking of doing a language camp for kids in Spain where they need English monitors who stay in the room with the kids and are with them for big periods of the day making sure they don't speak Spanish and if they do they're kicked out of the course. Yvonne did this a few years ago and she said it was amazing and recommended it so I got all the details off her a couple of days ago and I'm looking at applying soon.
As for now, think I'm going to have to just sit tight and wait more, constantly seeing John to keep me fresh in his mind. Will said if it comes to it he will pay my rent until I get a job because he's working full time so is getting over $800 a week, not bad! Hoping for work similar to his as he's in the shed cleaning, clustering, hanging and deflowering the bananas which he said is simple work.
Me and Will have also concluded that we are going to push everything back by a month, so travel Australia in August and New Zealand in September so that we can stay here longer and get more money so we can do the things we want up the coast and especially in NZ as we're both looking forward to travelling that WAY more. Pretty gutted though because that means I won't be having my birthday in NZ which I was really looking forward to.
So other than that nothing is really happening here, keeping myself preoccupied reading, watching films, playing cards with people etc. Not as bored as I thought I'd be but seriously want work so I don't have to constantly worry about things.
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