Hello my old darling. Short message cos max is slow on the buttons. Saving a fortune on ice buns - love to you both xx grandpa & grandma
Hey you two!! Looks like you have this travelling thing wrapped up aleady! Although slightly concerned that a certain black cardy was in photo! Didn't we chuck that out of the bag Tally???? Gald to see thayourr siblings have nicked your rooms already. But Ben said you can sahre his room if you can get up the ladder!! Julian emailed Craig on your contact list and he his a manger of a dive company near Cairns. He knows you are coming so call him before you do any diving and he may be able to help!! Anyway lots of love keep having a ball cos it will go real quick!!! LOL Alison, Julian, Ben and daisy xxxxx
hi mate
see you have been sight seeing looks very nice whats the food like your mum said you ate insects and what did they taste like speak soon hope you both are still enjoying your 6MONTH HOLIDAY
hi jack how is it out there it look nice from the pictures you sent back i hope that you have the best time in the world just to let you know i have pretty much everything in your room is now in mind and i am going to keep most of it so you are going to come back to an empty room
see you later
bye xxxxxxxxxxxxx
hi jack! it looks pretty nice out there and very hot !! love you xx
Hi Jack and Tally!
Glad to hear tthat you both arrived safely. I hope the journey wasn't too ucomfortable! Have a fab time both of you. I'll keep you updated of any goss that is happening in Alton, centre of the universe! Take good care of each other. I'm sure I'll be kept updated with your progress. Be sure to send loads of pics. God bless.
Bim x
Hi Jacky, big brother i miss you loads!!!! Is it nice and hot out there??? hope you have an amazing time loads of love beth xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Great to hear you are safe and well, not sure that a grass hopper and maggot will fill you up for very long!! Love you loads baby, stay in touch when you can and stay safe, remember the Adams apple!!!!! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxx
Missing you already!!! Love you, be safe xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hope you have the most amazing time ever, so very proud of you, gonna miss you so so much, love you my darling, take very good care of yourself. love you loads