Well the skydive was pretty cool!! Was such a crazy feeling free falling from 14,000ft at 80mph!! Got loads of pics to so will try facebook them for you all. After that we had a couple more days in Mission Beach to chill before moving on. The hostel we stayed at had a really homey feel to it. I managed to watch to football matches which was good as i havent seen any since being away! Had a little swimming pool and basically on the beach. Easter wasnt the same, didnt get any easter eggs :o but went to an easter sunday sunrise service on the beach, and got a little chocolate egg! That night the hostel owners cooked up a big roast dinner and they left us the leftovers ha first roast dinner since leaving to!!
Next stop was Townsville, only stayed for one night and was kind of rubbish and the hostel wasnt very good. So moved on again to Magnetic Island. This place was really nice and quite picturesque. First day there we checked the place out, after that we had our scuba diving course that last 4 days! That was well cool and really strange to do but we both enjoyed it. We saw a wobbegong shark and loads of sting rays!!
Now in Airlie Beach and had a couple of days here doing nothing, again! But tomorow we are going on a 3 day sailing trip around the Whitsunday Islands and looking forward to it, we have heard a lot of good stuff about it as long as the weather holds up for us. Bumped into a couple of guys from our outback tour so see a bit of them and they joined our boat for the sailing :)
After this we plan to stop at the Town of 1770, not many people heard of it but its the new up and coming place to go so might be able to catch up again from there! I hope everyone at home is ok and thanks for the invite russ we'll defo be there! And hope you guys had a good time in Eygpt, i had a look at the pics and looks really nice, quite like the one we were at last time?!
Miss you all guys
Much love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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