Been to Surfers and was definatly a pretty cool place. The hostel we stayed at was really good and the people were really social. OUr first night the we went out on an organised bar crawl with about 50 people, good night! That morning we had to get up early and go to Wet 'n' Wild water park with a couple of sweedish guys we were still travelling with. Had a wiked day out and the weather was awsome for it. Had a quite night in and chilled out, next day was hot again so spent some time on the beach then went out for someones birthday that night as it was our last in Surfers Paradise.
Got to Byron Bay on saturday and the weather was good for the first couple of days. Got surfboards and spent some time on the beach. Met a couple with a camper van that night and on sunday we drove up to the lighthouse for a look around and some great views then hit the beach again! Yesterday we had a trip to Ninbin!! haha what a place! It was a huge hippy culture and was stuck in the past but was pretty cool to see :) did rain yesterday and again today which was a shame, outlook for the week doesnt look to promising either! More rain :( today we went surfboard hunting and BROUGHT ONE!!!!!! decided it was worth it for the rest of the trip and for use back home. Its pretty cool, white with a Malibu design on the front and green background, 7'2" mini mal. Tried top go out for a bit on it eariler but the surf was a mess so gave it a miss but cant wait to try it out properly :D!!
Staying here a couple more days and leaving on friday for a place called Yamba. Suppose to be Byron Bay 30 years ago before the tourism hit it, so surfers paradise which will be cool to see! Then will be carrying on down but only have like 3 and a bit weeks left :O
Hope everything at home is cool, looks like my family has gone crazy with the chickens lol, but looked like a nice family day out with everyone to :) missing you all and will speak again soon.
Love to all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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