To my annoyance I couldn't sleep too long for some reason so I had lovely shower and packed my bags in leisurely time. Cut open watermelon ad shared with this who were up and about. Was such a long night I didn't feel bad at all, just tired.
Tom eventually woke and stumbled over blurry eyed, so after some morning after stories we grabbed our bags and headed for town. Tom was complaining about his backpack after a few hundred metres and after looking back realised half his straps weren't done up properly! After sorting tom out we arrives at cash point met with a massive long Que. We both withdrew enough for a week and headed again for the bus station. We managed to squeeze on to a coach heading for Nkhotakota. The coach had 3 rows of seats one side and 2 the other. All were full and people standing in the isle too. Must have been near 100 people on this bus. Very uncomfortable! 4 hours later we arrived!!!! A bit of puke or fruit on my rucksack, very very very hot! After a sweaty bus journey not the best thing in the world, but we are on the middle of Africa...
We luckily got directed to the owner of the lodge were staying at so he drove us there. Lovely place, right by lakes beaches. So had a swim in the lake and played with local kids swimming they were using a log as float/boat/diving board. showered and then watched the rugby and drank coke. Early night as we were both exhausted!
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