We are in Budapest at the moment. Got the train yesterday from Brasov - took eleven hours!! Journey was ok Linsey managed to finish a 400 page book!! I was more interested in a really cool dog i saw - pictures to follow. We got to Budapest at about 8pm - couldnt find any decent restaurants because it was easter Monday. Found a place in the end was feeling pretty tired after so got a early night.
Spent today going around the city - Linsey made me walk up another giant hill but at least i managed to moan the whole way! (again). Budapest is a really nice city, we didnt do anythin inparticular but it was nice just to wander around anyway. The hostel we are staying in is right in the centre but its really quiet. Not to bad if you want a good sleep - which we need anyway!
Off to Bratislava tomorrow, we are really looking forward to it. We have heard some really good things about it. It looked really good in that movie 'Hostel'.....!!! The train ride is only 2 1/2 hours. We both got new books today so thats cool.
We will try and get some pictures from Budapest and Bratislava on soon.
Hope everyone is well
Jack and Linsey xxxx
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