came down to Ao Nang in Krabi for thai new year which is tonight. Song Kran is the water festival which runs for a few days over this time and is just incredibel. i've had so much fun today. the whole town just had one big water fight. everyone lines the streets with big bins of water and hoses constanyl running. everyone buys water pistols and all the pick ups drive down teh main street with people and bins of water in the back and basically. you just chuck water at anyone you can find. they wipe a kind of talcum powder paste on your face and have red water for good luck. its jus the maddest atmoshper and runs all day long. not a chance you are going to stay dry! being with a couple of tall blonde girls helps so we were jumping on the back of the pick ups with themand getting driven to the bottom of the street and then jumping off andf going back up to the top. SONG KRAN, google it!
i lost my cash card today but this was all too exciting to worry about that which turned out for the best as i found it in a 'safe place' later on. obviously the good luck works!
i tihnk i might be cghangin my plans, ive fallen in love with south east asia and am started to feel a bit gutted i cant do everything so thre is every chance im going to eat into oz a little. its probably a good thing ive arranged to meet andrew in South America and have things to come home for because otherwise i think it might have been a little longer until you saw me again!
two of the girls im with are going to bornea which with the orang utangs would be amazing and thanks to jo and colin ive now got someone to help me out in bali so who knows what could happen!
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