Two Chicks & a Climber Reach New Heights
A brief flight and we already landed 'Marvellous Melbourne', oblivious how remote Avalon airport appears, we had a rather perilous taxi journey, never mind our short flight! Caught up in the morning midst, meters rising, we saw Melbourne in its usual slogging rush hour. With Richard away at work, we were to help ourselves in the boy's pad @ Brickworks Drive.
Verifying we are not trepassing, we checked the mails propped on the kitchen worktop before we crept upstairs where Sam startled us, a fellow housemate living on the top floor. Showing our room, our beds prepared with a welcome note propped from Richard, we felt right at home. Sam gave us a tour before we treated ourselves to Richard's version of an 'auld English' breakfast, indulging us with delicious crumpets & a good brew!
While we waited to meet Richard after work, we spent the day getting know to Sam and the 'secret' life of Richard away from home. Mm.. Had the opportunity to do a visa-run for India in town with Sam but after several consulates, it was already becoming a hassle. Bushwhacked to the Neighbours tour, we arranged to meet Richard in town @ T-Bar. At 6pm, Richard finally arrived in his 'work' fashion, and we were in for a long catch-up, dining by the river. Back in the bar, we were joined by deaf locals, friends of Richard.
We stayed up long enough to make way for the casino, which practically opens 24 hours and continued our drinking sessions before rounding up @ Richard's with shots of Jim Beam *stomach churns* Lethal stuff. Not entirely sure about our mode of transport home, I still remember we had a great night.
Feeling pressed for time, we decided to prolong our stay, discussing our next trip to Indonesia over a hearty breakfast. Sam located the Quantas office for us to make amendments, it appeared not only we lost money with Jet Star, we had to book another convenient airline ticket, flying out from Tellamarine nearby instead. And of course, the green lights for the Far East.
Unable to resist lavishing in Richard's (so he thinks!) company, we chatted all afternoon, filling our hungry stomachs @ the Elephant & Wheelbarrow, before indulge an eyeful browse in the shops nearby. In dire need to recharge our batteries, watching Oz's Heath Ledger starring in Ned Kelly when we stayed indoors with a dvd.
For our final day, Andre couldn't help feasting his eyes so we left him caged to the boys' dvd collection to spend lunch with Richard in St. Kildas. With stunning beach view of St. Kildas, we spent the rest of the sunny afternoon, sipping cool drinks before taking trams everywhere with Richard's misdirections! Got back home in time for another night out with of the Melbourne crowd.
With previous alcohol-fuelled nights, we had quiet drinks instead, mingling with more deaf locals and the lovely Claire, Richard's girlfriend before Andre begun to suffer with hayfever symptoms. Shame to have left early and not spoke to many people, never mind introducing ourselves(!) we had a taxi waiting early dawn and bid farewell.
In for a long day wait @ Sydney's Kingsford Smith, our final continent awaits. South-East Asia, here we come.
S x
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