Sorry, I didn't really get to go on the internet so often. And I didn't even want to - was busy surfing hehe!
After having a wonderful time in Ballina and Iluka I had to go to Melbourne. Rusty picked me up from the airport and we drove down to blind bight. We hung out, watched cricket and rusty got his tattoo done. The next day he also took me surfing which was cool. I caught a couple of nice little waves at Smiths beach on Phillip Island and had a tough surf at Woolies with Rosco. Got pounded by four really big waves. I really have to practice holding my breath for longer..
At Rusty's we had a small party, but I was really tired after surfing so didn't really party hard. I left for Torquay the following day. Got the ferry from Sorrento to Queenscliff where Russ picked me up. Russ' auntie and uncle weren't in town so I couldn't stay at their place. We didn't know where I could stay... so I went surfing! (this is when people said that Im a true surfer " you didnt have a place to stay etc. but you went surfing..?!") It was crazy surf and rather big too, but I got a wave and was stoked and frightened at the same time. We tried to figure out a place till I thought of Evan! We stayed at his place the last time. He was in Singapore when we gave him a ring, but he let me stay at his place anyway.
I got to his place and had a shower. Right after that I hear a truck pull in the driveway and then five guys jump out and a dog as well. No one really payed any attention to me, just said g'day and continued what they were doing. Some guys left to go get us dinner and the others just gave me a beer and asked me to relax. I was surprised no one cared that there was a stranger in the house... though I wasn't sure if even they were supposed to be there.. Only after Evans sister arrived did anyone acknowledge that I was there. They've gone, hold on, who are you? haha! Glad that Evan had to his sister that Im coming. Shane, his flatmate, hadn't received that message so he didnt know. Got sorted anyhow and it was all good. We had dinner and drinks and a great night!
I stayed in Torquay for a couple of night in the hope of getting to surf more. But the weather wasn't too great so the surf was s*** too. I bought a wetsuit and some other surfing gear and left for Melbourne. I stayed at Neale's place for two nights, because I just got stressed out in the city. I missed Miki, she came on tuesday and I left on wednesday morning.. I kinda accidentally bought tickets to Ballina. I thought I wouldn't have credit, but suddenly the screen said "thank you for your booking". Wow. I was stoked! I spent another happy five days in Ballina, Iluka and Yamba. Ian was generous for letting me stay at his place. We surfed, had a party at VivaPizza and went to Iluka for a night. The surf was flat but we went anyway and had fun. Then we drove down to Yamba for surf and greet Ian's mum and bro. Exciting! Yamba surf was rather flat too, but we had fun anyways. I tried my skills on a longboard also, but I was s*** at it. A shortboard is easier I reckon ! hah! Though, I must say, the longboard was more relaxed.
I saw many wonderful places that I wouldn't have gone to if I would have been hanging out on my own. Thank you Ian for taking me around !!
I was sad to leave again, this time for a way longer period of time. We surfed together and then went to the airport. I flew to Sydney and went to Felicity's place for the night.
My last day in Sydney went really fast. I went for a surf, packed my stuff and then started to way too long journey home.
It took me 34 hours to get home. I was so tired in Frankfurt that I was getting really annoyed at everything. Specially the fact that our flight was two hours late.
Oh, and when I got home it was freezing cold and my board had 8 dings/cracks on it. Thanks Etihad...
Glad my mum got us some salad, coz it made me feel way better.
I miss Australia already, but hopefully I will go back there in September for Cassandra's wedding.
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