Did you know the hawaiian flag has got the union jack on it ! Some leader from way back wanted stronger ties with us this was pre it becoming the 50th state :-) Sorry my ability to absorb the history stuff is zero the place names and peoples names are really hard !
From my experience it is 68% US, 17% Traditional Hawaiian / polynesian and 15% other.
Anyway back to my day, after setting me up with an impressive breakfast of croissant, scrambled egg and fruit the eco lodge hosts went one better and sent me off to the noise of african drums! Ok so it was a coincidence there was a course being held there just as I was leaving!
My day was spent in the car getting from Hawi to Hilo across country and even though it is just one grade up from an electric bike I dont actually mind the car, it fits into spaces noone else can ! You will see some of the places I stopped at on the way to Hilo in the photos. Hilo is where I am staying this eve when I turned up there was a note saying gone surfing make yourself at home! The trust in this place is beyond me!
I went looking for presents today for Dom and Teddy and have learnt through my acting skills that here a lead is a leash! Something else that made me chuckle today as I went through some road works instead of saying - drive with care it said drive with aloha :)
I have had a drive around this eve and like what I see beach parks, cool little shops and yes some big supermarkets and Macys! Ive even checked how to get to the airport for my 1st helicopter ride - something nan did before me :) ill say no more about that you will have to wait for some pics tomorrow!
I also treated myself to a nice dinner and there was some live music although when they played the top gear theme tune on what looked like an electric ukelele i wanted to say please stop!
Dad - i hear you are going for the record no. Of baths for teddy, sorry about that!
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