Today we were leaving at about eight thirty to get the bullet train to Shanghai. I was feeling a bit sniffy so thought breakfast would be a good idea... Feed a cold and all that. The buffet breakfast was really nice serving Chinese noodles, vegetable stuffed dumplings along with scrambled egg and toast. We tucked in and I took some small cakes for later and then headed to reception to meet Tommy.
We took a local bus to the train station and awaited the bullet train at 10:50, me and Steven had yet to experience a bullet train and were looking forward to it. When the train arrived we took some pics and then headed on... It was so nice, very clean and airy. The seats were spacious and very comfy and the train glides along quietly, it was really nice. It only took about forty mins to get to shanghai and due to the couple of stops made the train didn't get above 310km an hour, though still pretty fast.
We arrived in Shanghai and took the subway to our hotel, so far we were impressed with Shanghai... The transport was efficient, very clean and not very crowded (although it was a public holiday). We arrived at our hotel ...which was actually a really nice hostel where we had private rooms and booked in. The hostel was very warm and cosy and had a common room and bar, we always prefer the hostels as there is a lot more atmosphere and chill out space. The room was nice and bright with big windows... Also very warm and cosy. We dropped our bags and headed straight out to see the Bund.
Shanghai is a huge city with a bigger population then the whole of Australia and can even be seen from space. It is a cosmopolitan city full of skyscrapers, shops and restaurants. We hit the subway and there was the cutest little boy that came on with his dad. he kept smiling and waving at me... and as it was crowded he was literally on my chest. I took a photo of him and he jept laughing at it and kissing the screen, was soooo cute. we then headed straight for the centre which very much reminded me of London. It had very British feel to the buildings and was really nice... we then headed to the bund. The bund is to shanghai what the forbidden city is to Beijing. It was used for trying in days gone by and is a long promenade stretching the length of the front. From here you can see the new financial district of Pudong, which was only completed fifteen years ago and includes the Jinmao tower and the Shanghai world financial tower that boast the highest observation deck in the world.
We walked along the bund and enjoyed the scenery and such before heading towards the the old town... Known as Nan Shi to locals. Here it's a crazy network of traditional Chinese style buildings and crammed full of shops, restaurants and cafes. On route I took a picture if some weird food on display to which the guy said "money for picture" to which i replied in a very polite manner "jog on mate" We then wandered around and looked at all the weird and wonderful things in display before heading to a small restaurant for lunch. I wasn't very hungry so bypassed but Steven tucked in to a selection of duck, pork, fish, cabbage, rice and veg, he seemed satisfied by the end. We then had free time to explore this little haven so off we went. We looked around the shops and went to the jewellery quarter that had jade statues for a mind boggling six hundred thousand pounds before heading to get a warm drink. We headed to the McCafe and placed our order then struggled for about twenty mins to find somewhere to sit before giving up! It was mental... People absolutely everywhere!
Once we met up with the group again we headed to the subway again ...this time it was a lot more busy and we crammed our way on to a train. We headed to the Shanghai museum and were leaving it tight as it was already 3.15pm and last admission is at 4pm. By the time we arrived it was 3.30pm and there was a huge queue to the entrance... This was not looking good, we had nothing else to do however so queued up. Surprisingly the queue went down relatively fast and we were in by 3.55pm, we then had an hour to look around. Firstly I needed the loo so queued for ages waiting... While Steven was being harassed by a local chap who wanted to invite him for tea, he was wise to the guy though as we have heard all about these scams in China. Apparently very well spoken Chinese students come up to you as they want to "practice their English" and then invite you to join them for a tea ceremony. They then charge you hundreds of pounds before you can leave.... was a good job I was in the toilet.
We wandered around the museum and saw some beautiful pieces of Chinese history before heading to the gift shop for a nosy. I found some lovely postcards and good priced memory card so purchased them. On leaving Steven realised that he had left his gloves on the counter... Unfortunately it was now five pm and the guy at the door was not letting us back in. Despite my hand gestures explaining that I had left my gloves in the gift shop he was not saving any of it and kept telling us to go. After a period of time we aquired the assistance of a local girl who was leaving and asked if she could explain to him that we need to get our gloves.... after she spoke to him he laughed and sad of course and in we went.... and returned with Steven's gloves.
We met the group and the front and headed again for the subway... This time to take us under the water to Pudong. We arrived in Pudong and it was amazing, so futuristic and bright, it was now dusk and the lights were starting to come on. We headed towards the Shanghai financial building and Steven started sweating haha... he's not a massive fan of heights and had agreed to come up to the observation deck on the 100th floor... The highest in the world. It was fifteen pounds each, which is steep but we thought it would be an amazing experience and therefore paid it. Firstly you enter into a corridor... A bit like if you going on a spaceship or something, your the ushered in to a small room by the elevators which has huge digital numbers on the ceiling that stated where the elevator was in meters. You watch it climb from 0 to 492 in about a minute... Crazy. Me and Blair both felt pre-theme park ride nerves and Steven was quiet. We were ushered into the lift and soon were speeding up to the top, the only feeling of height and speed is your ears popping.
On reaching the 94th floor you then take an elevator to the 95th floor where there is a small observation deck... You then take an elevator to the 100th floor and wow what a view. Both sides are glass from floor to ceiling and there's even a glass panel running along the middle of the deck (which you don't have a choice in crossing!!) very nervous the first few times. The view is incredible and we took so many pictures. Steven was very nervous at first but soon relaxed enough to let go of the walls and even sat on the glass floor. We spent about forty mins taking pics and just enjoying the view before heading down to join the others on the 94th floor.
On the 94th floor there is a few shops, a bar and a restaurant. The guys were enjoying a beer so I wandered about and took some more pics and Steven sweetly bought me an incense set as a belated Xmas gift. Then came the time to leave... It was half seven and everyone was starving, the guys firstly wanted to use the bathroom and came back telling us that the urinals have a huge window that looks out over shanghai.... Best view from a toilet ever! We sent the back in promptly with the cameras haha.
We then hit the subway again and headed towards the hotel where we were to try the famous hot pot. We arrived about 8pm and sat down at a sushi type bar. You then chose what broth you want..., clear or spicy and then are given a selection of wafer thin meat and vegetables that you put in the hot pot cooks in a few seconds and you eat it. It was a really fun experience.... Steven said it was one of his faves. He almost missed it though when he thought he had ef our bank card at the tower... Tommy was just about to take him all the way back when he found it in his other wallet. Freak out averted... We ordered beers and we all needed on by this point and enjoyed our hot pots, well all except Glen who hated it and wanted a "maccers". When we were nice and full we slowly wandered back to the hotel.... showered and fell into bed! What a long and fun day...
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Mum like mother like son!!