Okay so another quick blog. Happy St Patrick's Day to ye all. To be sure to be sure. We arrived in our final Australian city last night at 10.30pm after a 9 hour bus ride from Canberra. Going out tonight to celebrate in style, meeting up with some people so should be good fun. Lots of pics to come from Melbourne, be patient, thanks for the messages on the site and the emails, but keep em coming. In a week we'll be in New Zealand, and we'll be saying goodbye to OZ. Probably more to come on that subject. Commonwealth games, thousands of people everywhere, the atmosphere is electric, and all good natured, Melbournians are very friendly, you don't even need to ask for help or directions, they just come up to you and offer assistance, how nice is that. Serious laundry time today, as both Claire and I went commando through lack of clean underwear, and then we got trapped in a stairwell trying to find the laundry, we'd gone down the wrong stairs. We did however mange to raise the alarm and still be in time for the free breakfast, wow, our first free breakfasts all the way down the east coast. The hostel we're staying in is nice, last night, as I fell asleep I could hear the sounds of the city 10 floors below, very soothing. Anyway, I've said enough for now, more to come, love to all, Pete and Claire xxx
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