mi espanol?es muy mal, but it is better than it was! Having managed to hold a conversation for more than just a name on several occasions. Just a quick blog, here in Montevideo, we are moving on pretty much every day, 2 days ago we were in Colonia, a beautiful town in Uruguay, very mediteranean in feel. Now the city of Montevideo, a fantastic place which feels quite affluent and has wonderful beach areas, with many nationalities living here, a city tour took us all over exploring all of the beautiful colonial buildings some in much need of repair, but, wonderful. The old cars still in working condition being driven everyday. We're not just talking 20 years old, but 80 years old from the 20's and 30's. Amazing! I like it here alot. But then we've liked everywhere we've been. The people on our group are great, I'll tell you more about them another time. Off to Salto today for some thermal springs. 6 hours on a coach, catch up on some sleep. Got to go. Ciao mis amigos,
Pedro y Clarita xxxxx
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