We are leaving Heidi country, Lucerne is so green & lush with houses like the ginger bread house in Hansel & Gretal.
Lucerne is mostly German speaking city, all road signs are in German.
Switzerland was liberated in 1291 by once again a myth of one man William Tell who was put in jail because he did not bow to the representative of the Happsberg ruling dynasty. The man was called Giesler.
William Tell refused to bow before the hat of the ruling dynasty, which was in the town square he was put in jail he was given a challenge be Giesler the only way to leave jail was to shoot with his cross bow an apple off the head of his 7 year old son.
He was reluctant but his son encouraged him and he did shoot the apple- as the story goes he was the first to liberate Switzerland .
This is a myth -Switzerland was liberated in 1291, but not by William Tell alone it is believed that he was part of a group of resourceful farmers who decided to fight the Happsberger dynasty of Vienna, they organised themselves to make weapons but during this time Frederick the ruler of the Happsberger family died and as Switzerland was too far away and too poor the Happsberger dynasty were pre occupied with the burial of Frederick that no army was sent to Switzerland and by time the farmers were ready and fought the troops (with man made weapons) who were defeated and Switzerland became a confederation of Helvetia meaning no more being ruled by a king or dictator.
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