Ive finally left Byron Bay (round of applause, thanks!). For anyone who hasnt been there and asks the question 'What did u do there for just 10 weeks' im not sure words will give it justice! For those ive spent the time with, you all know!
Im staying positive and thinking of all ive gained and am taking with me on my journey. The special friends ive made there that i will not forget, friends that cared for me more like family when times got tough....My dear friend Rosie, we had such good times together, i dont need to go into details as memories will stay with us. Dave, i hope u get ure dread stuff i sent to sort ure hair out, u need an award for most amount spent in the jungle hut! Annabel, Sal, Terri and Gabi-my beautifully souled angels. Annabel i will treasure our long lazy lunches together and massage/hair exchanges, enjoy byron for me. Terri....i have two pictures in my head of u, firstly being so content with ure mini guitar and second looking so god damn classy, even in trainers! Sal.....u inpired me with ure energy healing, hope ure doing well on ure vision quest! Gabs...we never had time to get to know eachother properly but u r gorgeous and we will exchange henna one day soon! Amie, Annina, Lou and the crew-u guys gave the arts factory what it needed, a new lease of life and i will miss u all! Ciara and Sid-my kiosk makes juices like u guys! Ciara u are officially the most awesome,random,crazy irish chick ive met! Juiette my gorgeous energetic fellow massage angel! I love ure energy and ure smile! Gidi, Achriad, Orr and adam (my gorgeous Israeli boys) I got to see u twice already on my so lucky! Hope to make it a 3rd in the future! My special friend Wazza, u were such a support when i needed u, full of words of wisdom at exactly the right time. Denise, the reiki lady, always smiling and floating like a fairy! This is just a handful of the ppl i left in Byron, many more have already moved on.
I am now on the road again. It feels good and was the right time to go. I had a few setbacks in the last week of me leaving which have made me determined to set goals and go for them. Life is too short to sit and think about what u want. Last week I lost a special friend of mine Kerry, and it makes u realise nothing is for certain. Life is ours for the taking. Im am so greatful to be travelling and I am going to take Kerrys spirit with me along my travels, she lived in the moment, she followed her dreams and she always made sure she was thankful for everyone/thing around her.
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