How u doing? Hope you are well etc Looks like you're having a great time! Very busy and doing lots exciting stuff you that is not me... Just had half term downhill all the way now til xmas Spent last weekend in Bath found myself dancing to dj Derek who looked like an ageing bus driver but who could really pump out those reggae tunes! Lots of hippie bath people doing their thing on dance floor. I had the most gorgeous one by my side of course...
Lots of love sweetie and take good care xxxx
SO enjoying reading about your adventures! But I was concerned about where the guide put his hand up when you were stuck in the ice cave - no permanent damage, I hope! Keep the blogs and photos coming- wearing me out just looking at them tho'.Take care X
WOW! What an uncredible time ur having mate! I'm sooo happy for you!YOu have done so much already-your blogs are really good! Hope that you continue your travels with the same energy and drive-poor old hadley must be knackered keeping up with you!!! xxxxx
My favourite is that you had a fav bar and you cant remember the name it is just so so like you!!So where are you now and how is it going??xx
you are a brave ickle going across the world to work where many have got sucked in (rob) before! enjoy yourself and dont get stuck doing apple picking. you're above that, just. ;-) take care trouble x