Its been 4 months tomrrw since ive been away (happy 4 months anniversary Hads!!) It does seem like such a long time ive been gone, because i feel ive done SO much i wanted to do already!
Its been a while since ive written! Last time was at the beginning of Byron Bay! I was SOOO sad leaving that place! The Arts Factory for me has been such a special place, with really special friends I know ill stay in contact with. I will be back in a month to see some of the hardcore ppl still there but hope to stay in touch with others that have moved on! Ive already met up with Dutch Kevin and Swedish Emma for an amazing day in Manly this week!
So im currently in Sydney (again!). It was so amazing coming back here. I got my first overnight bus from Byron, with my trusty friends Rosy and Dave to wave me off (help carry my huge mounds of stuff)!! The ride was actually very good, i got IN my sleeping bag and managed to sleep (help from the pills!). Got to Sydney at 5.30 am! Thought Scottish Sarah wouldnt appreciate the phonecall to see if i could get in, so i made use of the sink at central station (got a few looks as i spread all my toiletries out everywhere!!). Then spent the day at Hyde Park. The day was GORGEOUS and roasting! Sorry Byron ppl, the cyclone hit the night before and has been rainy ALL week!
This week ive spent catching up with so many good friends from home and travelling. New years eve i spent the day at the botanic gardens with Scottish Fiona, Sarah, Erin, Helen and Kenny! The day was another scorcher! I had a good nites sleep on the floor, out for the count! Apparently slept throught Sarah shouting (at anyone who knows Sarah knows the girl can shout) at the poor Irish lads next door!! I ran into someone from my Byron hostel (twice) at the gardens which started off the random week! I left before the infamous fireworks to meet my kiwi bus friend Julie, as she had got us on the guestlist for Groove Armada on Bondi Beach (before u say it CAt, yes i am jammy, i no this!!). The nite started off we appeared NOT to be on the guestlist. Julie not panicking, but getting laughed at by her new scottish friends, pulls out her mobile to casually CALL groove armada (as one does!!). Problem sorted, we are in!! The nite goes well, drinks in hand we head to the middle, 20 mins before 12 o clock! But im not happy one drink will surfice, so run back to bar with one of the scottish guys! Well that was a schoolboy just ther! We all lost eachother and found Julie at 4am at a house party! Good times!
The week here has been so amazing, got to see Hadley, Bob, Kev, Maria, Kiwi bus ppl (apart from Maddie and Keiron??) and friends from Byron! Tomorrow i am back up the coast. Ive got a job as a helper on surf camp. I get free accomodation, food and group surf lessons in return for helping....altho ive just phoned to confirm and i may have to hold that thought as the bus is full....mmm...extra few days in Sydney then. Lucky us for a bit longer!!
So thats all my gossip to date, hope N.Y was great for everyone. Missing home lots but having a superb time here! Planning to be home by next christmas though for those of you asking. Ready for my sisters wedding!! Email me soon!x
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