Today Ian decided to REEEEAAAALLY embarrass himself...but more on that in a minute....
It is the 2nd last day on the ship :o( and we are really going to miss all the luxury!
Today we went to see the ice show which was pretty impressive. The costumes were amazing and the skaters were much better than expected (photos and video to follow...struggling to get the video camera to cooperate with the computer).
That evening we went to see a Beatles tribute act who were pretty good, although they struggled to get a couple of thousand 60 year olds up on their feet dancing (though not everyone on the ship is over the hill, despite what people think). We managed to make friends with a few of the younger folk (see pics).
After this show, we wanted to go and see the late night hypnotist but I was feeling very very sleepy ;o) so couldn't make it to midnight...conked out in the room at 11 (oh dear...maybe i should join the oap's section of the ship)
For this part I shall hand over to Ian...
Since Suzy couldn't hack the pace I decided to go along and find our friends from the dining room at the show. After a little discussion two of us opted to give it a go even though the last show had included volunteers acting like orang-utans and "getting intimate" with other audience members legs and this one was the LATE version of THAT!
We were sceptical and wanted to know what it was like so rather nervously heading down to the stage to join another 10/15 people who were equally as stupid as us.
Since it was midnight it was very easy to hypnotise those sober enough to stand and it's a little like being asleep except you want to do whatever you are told. You can hear what is going on and you know what you are doing but for some reason you can't help doing it unless it is something you would never do ever. For the next 1h 30m we were persuaded that we were hot, cold, drunk, happy, sad, had bums on fire and that the stage was toilet paper and much (story to be told in person to only a few select people and yes, there is video evidence).
- comments
Shaun & Jill I (Shaun), was actually party to this, so for a small fee I can reveal all!! :)
Shaun & Jill It seems I have a small problem, and keep posting the same comment 3 times!!