Koh tao, after our lazy week on koh samui we decided we needed to do something again so decided to sign up to become advanced divers to keep us entertained for a coulpe of days. The course didnt start till friday so we had a couple of days to kill before hand. The island isnt very big so we planned to walk to a bay that was ment to be good for snorkelling, not realising how hard this walk was going to be we set off, 10 minutes into the walk we hit a mountain as hayley called it. Deciding we might as well carry on as we had come so far already we finally got to the top. Thinking the worst must have been over we started to walk down the road to the bay, however the road soon turned into a vertical hell slide, realising that this was going to be so much harder on the way back so decided to carry on anyway. We finally got to the bay and was rewarded with great snorkelling and even so a massive titan triggar fish (more on him in a tick), after following him around for ten minutes we decided to get out and have a rest before tackling to sick walk home. The walk home took us ages stopping every 2 minutes in the shade to replace the buckets of sweat we were losing with nice warm water from our boiling hot bag!! Finally home i think we napped for a good 5 hours or so......
Our dive course began with a dive to 30 metres, it was no were near as bad as we expected the visability was great the water was warm, the coral was not as good as the great barrier reff but there was thousand of fish, and we saw 2 massive reef sharks, i missed the first one our instuctor pointed out, apparantly it swam right past my head, my mask was steamed up and was looking in the totally wrong direction. Our second dive was cool photography and fish identifcation, the camara they gave us was crap tho so the photos aren't that good.
Later that night we were back on the boat to go and do our night dive we were both really excited about this one, but nervous at the same time. we jumped into the water just as the sun was setting and before long it was pitch black underwater. You could only see what your touch pointed at, it was very spooky but a different and great dive also.The next day we finished off the course with a peak performance dive, testing your boyancy in the water, watching hayley trying to swim upside down through a small square was hilarious. And our final dive was navigation, not hard stuff but still disorienting in the murky water. So we are now qualified advanced divers.
That night we went out on the wreckage with the instuctors and hayley had a brief lesson in fire dancing (just the stick, no fire). later that night i mad a big mistake and asked a food stoll to make me something spicey. It was one of the most spicey things a have ever eaten, thail curry made with a thousand chillis i think. 1 month full was enough to burn hayleys month to bits. Needless to say to next day was not pleasant if you get my driff.
2moz we leave for koh phagnan after we go on some crazy visa run mission. we have to cross the border only to turn around and come back into thailand just so we can have another 30 days, great fun..... not.
next week full moon party, we cant wait.
love ya
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