The Journey!!
Ok so the journey here was a nightmare. Chinese airports whilst very pretty are linoleum warrens of strip lighting and poor signposting. The staff are robotic at best and English voices seem to put them into shutdown!
The lowest point was definately the 8 hour flight between Amsterdam and Beijing on which I was kindly given an aisle seat by a helpful Aberdonian who failed to mention that the aisle seat had zero leg space due to poor construction.
Upon the lights going out I found out that my seat was broken and would not recline, the fact that the man in front's head was nearly on my lap because his did only added to my irritation.
And finally the food made me sick. So whilst barfing in the airline toilet, thinking this is more comfortable than my seat I realised that the remaining 6 hours where going to be difficult.
They were. But now I am in China and dont have to worry about flights for 10-12 months.
- comments
Geoff and Gilda "There is still lots more room for improvement." He He "Feeling a little lighter now are we?" Most enjoyable. We hope you have time to enlighten our minds.
Swoo My heart bleeds for you. Particularly as I now know you have the Penthouse Suite and Maid service. Finally the lifestyle you were born for....