Travel day, yeah I get to quench my A.D.D urges by being on the road and going further south from our condo in vero beach. On the road by 8 am for a 4 hr ride to Jolly Roger campground on the Florida keys. Set the GPS, Copy, and we're off.
Travel south for 45 minutes and it wants me to go onto a toll road. I can do that. Take my ticket, follow the road and to the keys I go.
Crap. Wrong way, I am now travelling north and no off ramp in site. Quick check on gps and yep just passed Vero Beach still going north. Around 10 minutes later found a turn off and back I go. 1 hr and 30 minutes to get back to vero beach. Drats.
Okay Dom is awake she'll enjoy this blunder.
Not to make that mistake again change the settings on the gps. No more tolls. Beauty,. I have proven I am smarter than the average bear.
Entering Miami area when something flies through Dom's window and dings her in the head. I get distracted and take an off ramp leading directly into downtown Miami at noon hour. No fears, just construction everywhere. Hour of that (yes Dom is fine, it'll take more than a pebble to hurt that French Ukrainian head of hers) and we clear Miami. At one point I was going slower and the further I went the longer the gps displayed our arrival.
Anyway, we made it to the keys. A 4 hr trip turned into a 7 1/2 hr trip. By the way should of stayed on the toll road would of been much quicker. Gotta change the setting on the gps for the trip back.
Nice campground, cost is $82 a night but with Passport America it's $41, nice.
Had a nice swim and going fishing in the morning and Key West all day.
Dom would like me to let you all know that she has numerous mosquito bites, and the itch is driving her crazy (as if it's the itch thats doing that) , I figure that should please those of you who are really hating the cold back home.
See ya in a week or so
- comments
Alex Oh boy. My GPS did the same thing to us on our Florida trip. Drove around in circles on the toll roads. May be time for new GPS's! Key West looks pretty. Miss you