It's hard to believe that almost six weeks have passed since the last blog. I thought I would give 'the readers' a break from our adventures while we returned home; however I now question my decision as so much has happened that I fear that this blog will be too long, so forgive me if it is! You will need to either settle with a glass or two or more than one cup of coffee. It seemed to take a while to settle into writing a blog; however I have found my inspiration since we have been in Annecy.
I have to say that both Jeff and I were ready to come home after Sri Lanka and thought that the extra five days may have been a mistake; however we loved Dubai. It is absolutely unbelieveable how it has changed in the ten years since our last visit. The marina, the shops , the beach, the metro, the bus services , the highest buildings in the world, the restaurants, the hotels - everything is new and clean. Obviously there are issues with some structures that appear to go up so quickly, but the place and the vision was so exciting.
Our friend, Lionel, was the perfect host , his apartment overlooked the marina . Such a perfect location. The searing heat stiffled the air, which meant walking any distance was limited.. My friend Joye lived at the other end of the marina and it was so lovely to spend a little time with her and see the apartment and Alan. I'm already looking forward to another visit.
So as we arrived on the tarmac at Heathrow from Dubai, there was a wonderful feeling of satisfaction. We had made it, safe and well; having completed the Worldwide Tour. There was an immense feeling of pride about what we had done together, a sense of achievement and yet we both felt emotionally overwhelmed that it was 'over!'
We had been totally convinced that a taxi had been arranged, as everyone was at work !!! So you can imagine how we felt being greeted by Hannah and Matt. Wrapping my arms around Hannah and then Matt, felt so much better than seeing their faces regularly on 'Facetime' - we were back and it felt very good. Jonathan and Alexandra were home soon after our arrival, more hugs - an evening together was just so lovely.
There was a strong need to see those close to us, to see their faces and hear their stories, so we felt very lucky and spoilt that Hannah and Jonathan had organised a surprise party; I have to say both Jeff and I had hoped that this would happen, but there seemed so little evidence of food in the house we concluded that it would be wise to assume that this was not taking place.
So when friends and family arrived with dishes of delicious gourmet delights, you can imagine the squeals of excitement; well mine anyway! Tears were shed and huge hugs were given. Sharing stories of our adventures and what we had achieved. It was at that moment that I realised how much we valued our friends and family and how much they loved us - it's not that we didn't know it before it was just so wonderful to have it reaffirmed.
Prior to arriving home we had organised a busy, action packed schedule. This was partly due to the fact that Jonathan and Alexandra were renting their flat and living in our home. Travelling North, to see Andy and Janice in Hartlepool for four days was a treat - sightseeing, golf, quiz night,and their great company meant the time quizzed by. Top tip - Robin Hood Bay and Hemsley, North Yorkshire Dales -favourite places to see.
Dogsitting Bertie. Seeing Jill, Heidi, Mark, Steve and Co, Karen and Andy, Kate and Matin, Steve, Tom, Laura, Ann and Nigel, Jan and Mark, Clare, Jenny and Alan, Lucy and Clemmie. Catching up with dear friends and neighbours. Hearing their news. Precious moments.
Seeing 'The Pipers' in Hove, where the sun shone and we all enjoyed the Parade in perfect sunshine, followed by a wonderful meal in the evening.
My niece, Heather and Shaun hosting a wonderful afternoon, which meant we could catch up with Rose and Maisie, my sister, Ann, George and Ruth. Fabulous!
Sorry to all those I just didn't get to see!
Remarkable timing to be home for the Olympics. Amazing luck indeed- especially as we had been to Rio at the start of the Tour, a place I loved but we both realised that there were going to be a few issues with hosting such event!
I have to say that it seems quite strange to get back on the road again; although we both wanted to complete the year it's amazing how quickly you get back into the routine of life as it was and how 'things' need to be done and how being with and near family and friends is just so important.
It was a different feeling to January, since our brief return we have consistently been asked the questions about favourite country and least enjoyable experience - Would we do it again ? Could we settle back into life?
Our thoughts, for a short time, have been crowded. It's strange how the mind works, even though you know it's right and it's been amazing so far. It seems to be a human's 'fault mechanism' - Are we doing this right? What will I do next year? Was this an impulsive whim?
It's like an invisible pressure - what did we expect from our year out - will our lives be changed for ever.
The 'voice of reason' v the 'voice of doubt' sitting on each shoulder. Causing slight confusion with the mind.
Was it foolhardy ? Could Part 2 be as amazing as Part I. Yet the fact is that we have 'done it' and are doing it - we have taken the gamble, taken the punt and achieved what so many talk about, but don't actually do, and whatever happens we will always have this year as 'Our Year Out.'
After a few days everything seem to fall into place and the 'voice of doubt' was silenced. Our route to Annecy took us through SW France an area that was unfamiliar to both us. The adventure brings new wonderful experiences.
Our first stop was at Les Trois Voisins, Bourseigne Vielle in Belgium, gourmet heaven - everything was perfect and the ham that we had on the first night was out of this world, as was breakfast next morning Etienne and his wife seemed to have the most ideal set up!
Our accomodation also happened to be close to Francochamp - it was practice day for the Grand Prix. This is an absolute must, it is truly glorious, even if you are not a fan. The track is surrounded by, what appears to be an endless pine forest, under the heat of the sun we watched the powerful shiny machines race around the winding chicane at such speed, it made your heart miss a beat and it's devoted fans gasp. The atmoshere was electric. It truly was a fantastic day.
As we left, we once again saw the two amoured tanks, which were strategically positioned so that no one could drive at speed along the road into the entrance point ; this was a sad reminder of the fragile world we live in.
We decided to eat at our accomodation as the food had been so unbelieveable. Well, you know how sometimes you get things wrong -on arrival the atmoshere was very different from the previous night , it was as if we were in a 'celebrity chef reality show.' Etienne the 'chef' had limited choices on his extensive menu and he seemed to guide you into making a choice that worked for him. It was quite busy, but surely he knew that when he took the reservations. Perhaps it was the pressure or the alcohol or a combination that caused his sudden inability to be able to cook. This meant that he produced the most average of meals and threw a monumental outburst where he swore and raged. His wife then started shouting. Chaotic enchewed! His guests or rather audience in the garden could hear every word. Entertaining and disappointing at the same time!!
Moving on, our next stop was Colmar - an absolute must if you are in the area. Our apartment on the top floor of a very old building originally built in 1700s, newly renovated, with very tasteful decor and situated in the heart of the old town, absolutely perfect for two nights. Everything about Colmar has a good feel about it - it's steeped in history, there's so much to see and it's clean and the old buildings have been carefully restored, which means there is a photo opportunity at every corner. It's full of fashionable bars and restaurants. Just be take care as not much is open on Sunday or Monday.
The Alsace region is famous for storks, from our window we could see a pair perched precariously high on top of the slanted rooftops in their huge circular nests, which they return to every year, a. remarkable sight
On our last night a ginormous Eurasian owl settled on the ornate wrought iron shop sign opposite the 'House of Tetes' restuarant - it posed for the cameras to the delight of the onlookers who watched in disbelief , before opening it's enormous wings and gliding silently into the darkness. Quite a special place in so many ways.
Other beautiful places that were visited were Besancon, with it's beautiful light blueish and white stone old city. Rennes sur Loue, Bourg en Bresse...... In fact the whole region is just glorious. Although we may have only stayed lots of one night stops we feel that we have found a truly wonderful part of France, which we throughly recommend; even though English was not spoken as fluently, everyone seems very friendly, especially when you try to speak french.
Then we arrived in Annecy, the home of well being and the feel good factor and most importantly our' children' were coming to stay - it is truly one of the most beautiful places we have visited. We organised a beautiful four bed house in Quintal, which is a village situated on route to the summit of Semnoz. It was perfect for us and was well equipped and very tastefully decorated. Another Airbnb hit!
Annecy reminded us of a combination between Taupo and Queenstown in NZ - it has everything, lake, water activities, beaches, extreme sport, cycling, walking, beautiful towns around the lake and a french version of 'Venice' in the old quarter. Everyone young and old thrive on being fit and healthy.
Annecy is a must visit- it is exquisite and has the most wonderful vibe and the people are really friendly. It just feels right.
Jonathan and Alexandra, Hannah and Matt flew in for five days of fun and precious family time. Matt and Alexandra paraglided on what can only be described as the perfect day; we watched them descend from high and although I struggle with conquering my fears of heights and can't quite work out why other don't have fear, I have to admit that next time I would give it a go! It looked serene and quite beautiful.
We all cycled round the lake and then the boys did it again- just because they could! We walked the summit of Semnoz - the cycle ride a little too challenging with the bikes that were available to hire. Perhaps next time!
BBQ's, music and laughter, the visit to the local restaurant with Sebastian and the odd glass or two- meant we had the most wonderful time together, which passed very quickly but the memories will last forever. As they all left for Geneva airport - I shed a few tears and felt very lucky.
We are off to Italy, which I am thoroughly looking forward too - so the next blog will follow soon. Take care everyone, look after yourselves. Look forward to hearing from you soon.
- comments
Kate Can't believe I am back reading blogs from more wonderful places. Looking forward to seeing you soon and being part of your world adventures. X
Steve Well here you go again and I'm so pleased you're playing 'silly bloggers' again as I've missed my Jackieblog fix. However it was good to see you both at The Oak a recently. France sounds like a good time, you even got existential angst from Etienne. Sounds like a great area. Looking forgot Italy report. Take care
Clare It was so lovely to have the chance to catch up with you. It already looks as though part two is just as brilliant. Have fun xx
Jane So pleased you are blogging again. This time I am making notes of where I need to go because I can this time!! Enjoy and be safe. xxx