Hello from Perth! Sunny and 36 celsius with not a cloud in the sky... :)
Well, what a start to the honeymoon. Our stay in the Radisson Edwardian in Heathrow resulted in a free upgrade to a suite on the mention of the H word (it does work!!) but then we had to move to another suite as the boiler had broken down and we had no hot water. Bit of a shame to leave the bed covered in confetti (thanks Mum) but it was a better suite!
The 12 hour flight to Kuala Lampur was tiring but I finally managed a bit of sleep in the airport on a bench by the gate. On waking up I needed the loo and was suprised to see the... how shall I call them... 'asian' type toilets in the ladies loo area. After hoisting up my trousers and doing a balancing act any circus performer would be proud of, I did what I had to do. On leaving the 'loo' it was only then that I noticed the 'western' style toilets all the way down the area. I then had a panic attack that I had peed in a shower, but kept telling myself that the auto flush and toilet paper must have meant it was a loo and then shower hose was for cultural purposes. Anyway, 2 hours later we were on a less than half full 5 hour flight to Perth where I commandeered the whole free row next to us and stretched out for some more kip over 5 seats. Well, stuffed up with a cold and post-pee in a shower incident I think I deserved it.
On landing in Perth it was hot, hot, hot and we got to our hotel apartment around 5pm. After being delighted with the accommodation (again, a possible upgrade methinks as we booked a studio but this is a one bed complete with EVERYTHING, even washing machine and tumble dryer) we went out, got food and crashed back in the apartment. We slept reasonably well, getting up around midnight after 3 hours sleep and then again at 5am when Chris got up but I slept till 8am.
Today we've ambled down to the river, visited the Western Australia museum, been for a quick dip in the complex's pool and generally chilled out to get rid of any jet lag. Going to make use of the superb facilities we have to hand and eat in tonight with a cold Ozzie beer or two! Oh, and watch the news again about the spate of large shark sitings around Perths beaches. They've obviously heard that the tasty new Mrs Nicholas has arrived down under!
Adelaide tomorrow and then the real touring begins...
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