Aloha for the last time from Hawaii. We are preparing to head to Fiji, but before we leave we wanted to give you one las Hawaii update....
Nothing has changed on the job front. Both Chris and I will continue our jobs up until May 31st, the Saturday before we fly out. We are also still living with Johhny and Katie. They are actually moving out the same day we are so it will be a busy day for sure! Here are some fun things taht have happened since we last blogged.
At the begining of May I (Ashleigh) flew out to Montana for a little over a week. My dad and sister where there for my cousin Caroline's confirmation. We decided it would be fun to surprise Jaeden and my cousins, so we kept them in the dark about my visit. It was a great time. So nice to spend time with family. We spent most of our time in Havre, MT, but also visited Helena and of course Opportunity. I can't believe how much Jaeden has changed since we have been gone. She is something else!
The week after I went to Montana, Chris and I celebrated our one year wedding anniversary (and some people said we wouldnt make it:) We spent a couple of days at Turtle Bay Resort (thank Shep). We decided we would be Hawaii tourists for those few days. We had a great time just relaxing and spending time together.
We went camping for Memorial Day with our friends Allen and Audrey. It was a hilarious night full of smores, truth or dare and running from the military men in charge. The campiste we stayed at was military owned and they had rules! Apparently we made a bit too much noise, beacause we had someone "knock" on our tent and tell us if we had to be warned again "we would be evicted!" Leave it to us. We capped the night off with night swimming in the ocean. Good times.
We sold our big camo jeep. I never thought I would say this...but I was kind of sad to see it go. We were super excited to be able to pass her on to someone new so the legend will contiue. Life without a vehicle was very interesting. We spent our last two weeks carless. I still was working more then half and hour away from the house. So my mornings went like this...Ride my bike 3 miles to the bus stop, take the bus for 40 minutes, then walk the remaining half mile. I thought I would hate it and after my first day of getting on the wrong bus 3 times (it took me over 2 hours to get home that day) I did. But the more I did it (and learned the way) the more I loved it! It really forced me to slow down, I was on the buses schedule not my own. And of course people watching on the bus is great! Chris also rode a bike to work, but lucky for him he worked 3 miles from the house. Not such an ordeal, although at times it made getting to a surf break a challange for him.
The last few days we stayed near Honolulu at our friends Allen and Audrey's house. Allen took Chris golfing and Audrey took me to a super cute tea house when we got there. Our last day in Hawaii, Shep and his girlfriend, Rachel, took all of us for some adventure. We went on a really cool hike up to some waterfalls where we could jump off into the pools below. After that, we got our last helping of Kahlua Pig (basically really good pulled pork) and headed to Sandy Beach. Sandy's was too much fun!! The wave there was really powerful and breaking right on the beach. It wasn't good for surfing, but great for bodysurfing. The boys went out and were getting some good wave and the girls soon followed to get pummeled by the surf. We played till the sun went down and left with pounds of sand in our bathing suits. Such a great last day. Thanks to Shep and Rachel for the adventures and thanks to Allen and Audrey for letting us crash at their place for a while.
Getting ready to leave it bitter sweet. I am looking forward to the new adventures we will have in Fiji, but will really miss the people we have gotten to know in Hawii. We have had some incredible experiences and have been so blessed by the relationships we have made. Thanks to all of you for making us feel right at home as soon as we arrived.
We miss you already and cant wait for you to come visit our neck of the woods....wherever that may be.
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