or was it the tortoise and the hare!!!!!!!!!!!! what ever!!!
hope your warmer hel? bit cold here tonight! X
so for those who are trying to guess who the master of procrastination is? he's the person who always put off what he could do today until tomorrow so consequently never got very far!! bit like the tortoise and the snail!
The Master Of Procrastination... (That One's For Hel)
I fear that Leigh's noisy neighbour may have exacted revenge on him for disagreeing with his choice of 'crappy music'..... WHERE ARE YOU LEIGH?!?!?
hi hel lovely to speak to you last night kate sends love and i know this is your board but i need to know what happened to leigh and his dj neighbour!!!! have a nice dayxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxmum
Hi Guys,
Keep coming with the messages I love them! I am at Niagra Falls at the moment staying in a log cabin, borrowed a comp of one of the guys so will post a message properly when I get back to NY.
Lov You lots Hel
Pete B With A E
Hey Sue, you can have your squatter back... besides if she squats at mine she'll only steal money for the tunnel every morning, so she can raid your cookie jar instead!!! ha ha.
Will be up to see you guys once I've pulled myself from under all this revision.
Oh sorry Hel, this msg board is meant for you: I know you're having a good time so using it to bicker with your mum instead!
Lots of love, BradshawEEEEEEEE
hey pete b with an e i want my squatter back for a little bit in feb!!!!!!!!!hi hel whats he like that pete you will have to read messages from the bottom up! hope you are having a great time your dads got nothing to do now the squatter has moved out!!! hes ironing everthing twice!!!!! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hey Hel,
Love the photos, especially the pig one! M y by cx hjbmjgbvchhhgvbbhjklhufgyhgfhtgyhbvbmbm
Big xdcxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
love Edie
Jen Jones
Hi Hel,
Great to see the first entries of your BIG TRIP. I'm envious already. While you've been jaunting around I've been marking exams - ugh. Now what soil types did you see in Central Park? Hmmm.
Leigh The Underwear Model
Aw man, it doesn't let me swear on here!!!
Leigh The Studmuffin Of St Helens
Glad you're doin ok Hel. Hope you used your time in the hostel wisely ie:lots of pillowfights with the other girls.
And I hope you managed to track down Billy Crystal and Meg Ryan whilst you were in NY. Great photos by the way--love the BIG pics!
You missed me bring on THE RAGE on my a****** noisy neighbour a couple days ago. Bloody DJ across the street takin the piss with is crappy "music" all week, which led to me banging on his door and screaming at his window...I was very manly.
Catch you soon.
Leigh The Studmuffin Of St Helens
Glad you're doin ok Hel. Hope you used your time in the hostel wisely ie:lots of pillowfights with the other girls.
And I hope you managed to track down Billy Crystal and Meg Ryan whilst you were in NY. Great photos by the way--love the BIG pics!
You missed me bring on THE RAGE on my a****** noisy neighbour a couple days ago. Bloody DJ across the street takin the piss with is crappy "music" all week, which led to me banging on his door and screaming at his window...I was very manly.