Arrived to a lovely warm Bangkok- not the 36 degrees we had been told - weather predictions as unpredictable as ever. H pleased though! Owen has been a star on the very long journey via Singapore. He was very excited about the whole travel experience. (We're sure that will wear off!)
Settled in after a much neeed, though often ill-advised midday nap. We opted to stay further out from the centre in Sukhumvit district to get a hotel and pool. Its obviously an affluent area, but still there's the fabulous street food vendors. We've slurped bowlfulls of noddles and eaten heaps of rice. Its' been great fun trying all the different dishes. God knows what the actual dishes are washed in, but so far, no upset tums! 'Is the food hot?' will be Hayleys holiday motto! H a little grosed out to see a huge, (really!) cat sized rat feasting in the bowels of a street cafe we ate in that afternoon - yuk! O is unperturbed eating at street level and seems not to notice the chaos of Bangkok.
What bugs him is attention. The Thais adore kids. Where in the UK we expect kids on the tube to make way for adults, the opposite is true here. They are very tactile with children so Shy boy Owens motto for this part of the trip will be 'I don't want people looking at me!' He has also, whilst wearing his favourite pirate bandana been mistaken for a girl. Big No No!
J as ever in in heaven in this heat - O a little grizzly and H half asleep!
We have already had our reality check that we're travelling with a young kid - the list of 'to-dos' in BK is lightly touched - much excitement goes into actually getting onto above road tubes and river boats - by the time we arrive at a temple a 4 year olds patience is a little thin. We did however find a huge buddha with serpents over its head that O loved so much we had to sit in there for half an hour.
We went to Chatuchat market on the weekend which amazingly puts Portobello to shame. Hayleys love of markets was teased as a) no room for extras in our luggage b) they wouldn't fit anyway - H not exactly a tiny Thai frame!
Our hotels location highlights the mix of Bangkok as its a typical international hotel, but theres girlie bars across the road and a chap selling fresh pineapple from his bike-stand outside for 20p. Anything seems to go here - maybe a bit like London? We're guessing the rest of Thailand will be quite different.
We've spent quite some time chilling by the pool. O has swum non-stop, H slept and I think J been dragged down to our level of heat acclimitisation. Gorgeous luxury ends after 6 days so make the most of it.
We finally got to the Grand Palace and temples, meeting the long trowser rule and ignoring the 'wily strangers' (who try very hard to divert you away from the palace and to god knows what). Met by amazing roof lines, gold leaf adorned walls and figures by the hundred, colourful mosaics hand painted walls. - a truly remarkable work of art. We left with the usual bitter/sweet feeling you have seeing such a gross display of wealth, but amazing work of art. Owen was sidetracked from utter boredom a bit by the fact that soldiers marched on Laos to steal back the famous emerald buddha!
We've had to have a few rides in those emphsema-indicug TukTuks.
Now we head off to the South for two weeks. we plan to visit two islands - Ko Libong and Ko Nghai. We will do the next posting in two/three weeks as there will be no internet connection on the islands.
- comments
Edel clare Hi guys, it sounds great so far. How is Owen adjusting ESP with food? Island hopping will be fantastic ESP with the weather . All good in blighty . It is still under snow however there is a thaw tonight, I think the worst is over. Have you relaxed yet and has the reality sunk in that you are on vacation for 7 months? Enjoy every second. Live to boys E x
Cinda Went to Annabelle's party today, and were running through who might be there. "Is Owen STILL on holiday?" asked Barney... Oh, boy is he ever! Enjoy guys. Thinking of you from under a blanket of snow. Cxx
Jenni Van Wijk Hi guys, I'm pleased to hear all's good and that you're settling into your new lifestyle. I did wonder if the weather would affect you leaving but I'm glad to see it didn't. I tried to contact you before you left to say bye and find out if the parcel arrived on time - but i missed you. Thanks for our lanterns - we're looking forward to trying them out in the summer (when there's no snow!!!) xox
Rachel Vaughan Great to hear you arrived OK and all is well. Island hopping sounds divine! I imagine Owen is excited about the sleeper train. Looking forward to hearing more and seeing some pics. Take care and and enjoy. Lots of Love R xxx
Caroline + Smith Lovely to hear youre having a great time. Just to say Smith is fine and well.Weve had her out every day - shes mad in the snow! Allen is spoiling her - she doesnt have to sleep in utility room because its too cold so is in front of the fire most nights. She is a delight to have and the boys have completely fallen for her. Will keep you posted and look forward to seeing your photos soon. Cx
R, S, J &O Hmmmmm sounds lovely... Enjoy the luxury while it lasts! (not that a hut on a tropical island should be too much of a hardship) Talking of which, avoid any salad etc on islands, we had horrible bout due to lettuce.... cooked or peeled defo a rule worth sticking to. J said thankyou for his phone message, had a lovely bday - it even snowed for him! O just started walking with his little wooden trolley of bricks which is amazing - and he knows it, virtually bowing for applause each time! R looking fatter by the minute, and slowly getting better. Looking forward to photos of tropical sea! lots love XXX
Olivia Sounds fab (except the rat - best not eat anything just termed 'meat' from that stall...). Glad Owen is managing stardom so well. Have a banana pancake on the beach for me and look forward to seeing the next photos of you all in tie dye....
Aly, Phil and Jack Sounds like you are having a ball! So glad Owen is taking it all in his stride. Bet he loved the rat! I am sure he will have loads of stories to tell his friends when he gets home. We are enjoying keeping up to date with you so keep in touch. All our love and give Owen a big hug from Jack x
Julia (& Leo) What an amazing time you are having. Owen is a star - and what an experience for you all. Brings back memories of my trip in 2002 which seems a lifetime ago..... Leo sends a big hug to Owen. He is missing him very much at school as boys return to fisticuffs and re-establishing pecking order once again! There is also a new boy in class called Alex. Are you missing the snow here? Of course not! Enjoy your paradise island. Look forward to next blog.. Lots of love and hugs Julia and Leo xxx
Fran & Andy Hi guys Good to read your first blog and that the Bangkok experience was good. Looking forward to getting more pix from the islands! A&F
Joanne and Lydia Hi all! It's really great to read your news. Glad all is going well. Lydia also finds the rat story highly amusing! Lydia is missing Owen very much and keeps asking when she is going to see him and can she go to Bangkok to meet him. (Geography not too hot yet!) Lydia managed 3 days back at school and then went down with Chicken pox so she's not a happy bunny at the moment! Hope you have/ have had great time in the islands. lots of love joanne, stuart and lydia x
The Brooks Brigade Great to share in your adventures. Enjoy every minute!
The Norths Great to read your updates. Whenever your travels in Thailand are mentioned to Oscar, he always butts in with "YES!! and I go on holiday to the Isle of Man". Good. He's understood the cultural pieces I've relayed to him perfectly then. p.s. thank you V much for taking the time to sponsor me from afar. xxx
Sarah, Jonathan, William and Henry Wow! It's great to hear what you guys are up to and to hear you are having an amazing time. Hard to imagine the heat given that it is rather chilly here! Enjoy the South and will look forward to your next installment. Lots of love xxx
joanne ansd lydia Excellent pictures. Looks like you are having a great time. Lydia wants to go diving! Joanne and Lydia x
Aly, Phil and Jack Oh it is such a hard life!!! We don't really think you are slumming it, I bet you are going 5* all the way!!! Lovely to see your great pictures and you all look as though you are having a ball! All is fine here in the cold!! Give Owen a big hug from Jack All our love xx