We spent two days in Brisbane before coming to Coolangata...there wasn't anything exciting to do or see here so we thought it best not to report it and send you to sleeeeeep!
Day 1- Once we got off the bus at Coolangata we walked 250m up the road to our hostel. Scott looked like he was entering world's strongest man carrying my backpack on one arm and his on the other arm! His arms well and truly burned doing that! We threw our bags on the bed and wasted no time going to see the surfing which was a 15minute walk down the beach! Twas exciting as it was the quicksilver and roxy pro surf tour with the top 34 guys and the top 17 ladies in the world being there. As we were walking there the heavens opened and it poured and poured. Scott was ok having put his cagool in his bag, so he put it over his bag to keep everything dry and I just got soaked beyond funny. Nevertheless arriving at 3pm on a Sat afternoon in the rain meant alot of the crowds had cleared out and we got nearly front row positions. We climbed on the rocks and stood and watched the women. 2 people per heat and whoever has the highest combined score of their best two surfs went through to the next round.Was awesome to watch and we were soon addicted! And to top the afternoon off we got given a free stash of granola bars which was great for an afternoon snack and it saved us $6! After 2 soggy hours of watching the surf we headed back to the hostel via McDonalds for a $5 feed as we were hank marving starving (don't tell anyone we entered here...we were just desperate for something other than pasta!) The rest of the soggy afternoon we spent chilling in the room and ctching up on the blog so you guys don't get too far behind with our adventures! We also spent the afternoon listening to the horse racing coming directly below us, and music in the evening- lordy! Dinner consisted of bacon sarneys for a change!
Day 2- We were both awoken early int he morning to a symphany of snoring by the other 4 girls in our room...I had had to put ear plugs in to block out the loud bar down stairs and then had to put them bacj in to survive that! Porridge for breakfast at 7.30am then off to McDonalds for an orange juice and a cup of coffee. No its not what you think, we haven't suddenly become junkies...but you have to purchase something in order to get your free wi-fi internet! A skype chat and catching up with the world onf acebook later and it was almost 9am we we headed for the surfing! We initially sat ont he rocks which was at the end of the course where the surfers finished up so we could see the whole course. Whilst watching the surfing we saw a big doggy walking out of the sea, Scott came out with "he better not come over here and shake himself on us"- the dog must have understood that comment so came over and shook himself on him! hahahaha- on the day where the sun came out, Scott still got soggy! The Australian wildlife's endless love for Scott continues! Another dog then comes up to Scott and starts digging a hole by his feet! Then after moving, it just so happened that we sat right by the interviewing tent where the surfers got out of the sea! So we got happy snapping as if we were the paparatzi...and then all the kids ran over to them for autographs. As me and Scott hadn't really heard of many of the surfers, we thought it wrong to ask for it, not knoeing who they were! Photos were enough so we can now go and look up who they were and find out if they were any good! Whilst sitting on the sand we once again took it in turns on going to get as many granola bars as poss each and topping up on free sun tan lotion! Some of the surfing was awesome and the scored got higher as the day went on and we were happy to see some of the underdogs go thorugh! ASround 3pm we went back to the hostel via Aldi to buy dinner. We wanted some cheap sandwich tuna for $0.89 which I trusted Scott would get correctly. For a small shop I was surprised the bill came to $23. When looking at the receipt and the tuna, I found Scott had not picked up the cheap sandwich tuna rather the posh expensive $4.99 per tin tuna! Silly boy...So I had to go back in and change it, tuna is tuna and $10 for two tins of tuna are a little pricey for two poor travellers! Scott then made me go on a hike/walk for some 'exercise' as I apparently need it, and go to see some views we'd seen all day but this time capture it from a height" Some more happy snapping later and all hot and bothered later we went back to the hostel room whe re I tried to shut the window and put the air con on...the window however had other ideas and decided to keep springing open, trying to play games! Fine it could stay open then! It was dinner time anyway- our lovely rice, tuna, sweet chile sauce and lettace, with watermelon for pudding! Unfortunatly the much anticipated sweet chile sauce tasted like a hurrendous version of sweet and sour sauce which was Scotts worst nightmare! Not the most enjoyable eat we've had and we had it to look foward to the following night- we were excited already! We spent the rest of the evening chatting to some girls about where to go down the east coast etc etc!Day 3- A nice early 7am start greeted us once again (iv forgotten what it feels like to have a lie in!) Porridge later and we skipped along you can't guess...McCafe! Which might be connected to McDonalds apparently but free unternet called! Unfortunatly reception didn't open til 9am so we had to go back to the hostel after, which was a right inconvenience as we wanted to go see our new favourite sport! With checkout out of the way we powerhiked up to the beach! Thankfully with it being monday, most of the locals (but not all) had gone back to work so there was more space to watch! We were sooo excited to see Kelly Slater , the 10 times world champion and was the ripe old age of 39 and still going. In waiting for his heat we once again needed to build up a stash of granola bars...I swear we are going to end up looking like one soon with a drop of ice cream also! Whilst sitting on the beach we could see Kelly Slater himself preparing for his heat in the stand behind us...crowds and crowds of people started pouring ont he beach at 12.25pm. (do ozzie people ever do any work, they are always skiving I swear!) Scott ran off down the beach in preparation to get his snap shots of the legend...which I got annoyed about as he stood right next to me and I didn't have the sodding camera! He was so awesome to watch, and the atmosphere was awesome...Scott recokened after he had a surf lesson, he was going to be as good as him, of course you are dear! Like a duck to water I'm sure! Unfortunatly after Kelly won his heat we had to dash and go buy lunch before we caught the greyhound at 3.15pm. Scott didn't like the man in Aldi so we had to hike down the road into New South Wales to a Woolworths! We bought some ham and tim tams and sat at the bus stop eating ham and lettace sandwiches. We soon realised we were sitting in the dodgy end of town when an old lady came up to us off her face and asked me why I had a fake rolled up cigarette, Scott thought it was hilarious and was then told to get the smirk off of his face! I was a little scared as she went on and on about goodness knows what! We were thankful that the bus turned up 10mins later-phew! We hopped on the bus and I turned on my ipod which I caught Scott singing along to the Spice Girls-hahahahahaha! We alternated chosing songs for the next half an hour until the iod died! Five and a half hours later we arrived at Byron Bay- we had high expectations of here as everyone said it was amazing! We spent the rest of the afternoon chilling, sat on the internet as here we had the luxuary of it being in our room-much better idea than spending money in McDonalds! We were sharing with two German guys and a crazy french dude who lived each day as it came and would move on places when the time was right. In the mean time we had a job as a bicycle taxi home after dark! We wern't looking forward to our sweet chile sauce with tuna and rice for dinner. Once we'd fought to get one of three saucepans in the kitchen we cooked this delightful dinner and ate it holding our noses! We won't be having that again anytime soon! We spent the rest of the evening making the most of internet in our room. Just as we were thinking of having a shower and bed, a 57 year old crazy man came into our dorm to sleep. He was harmless but just smelly and tried to persuade us to go to this church in the middle of nowhere! I put my earplugs in and went to sleep after shower and hoped he didn't come too near me!
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