sawadee ka (hello) every1, ive finally found a cmputer that dusnt take 7hrs 2 load up (well actually only tried the 1s in my hostel) but found an internet cafe. n eway well im luvin it at mo. got ere on sunday nite afta wot felt like an eternity to get ere, but cant complain wiv the service on emirates, gt unlimited drinks, over 100 films 2 watch n games 2 play aswell as like 1000 albums 2 listen 2, didnt even nd 2 switch me ipod on. and well as for Thailand, well i didnt kno wot 2 expect really, so went wiv an open mind. The hostel i was in 4 first 2nites woz gr8 and already made sum m8s, n guess wot yep the 1st person i got tlkin 2 was yet anotha gay lad from Cardiff lol. had a laff n that n went rd sightseeing around bangkok yersterday, omg how diverser this city is. You ave the smelly poor side and on the other hand u ave the hippy trendy in with the times on the otha side. n guess wot ivbe found a tesco's, boots, next, n a few more english shops at a lil bit cheaper price but not much. avnt dun much shoppin yet as been s busy and the language barrier is a lil more difficult than i xpected lol, i mean dont get me wrong i would say about 1 out of 3 spk english and really gud english the other 2 either dnt ave a clue wt im tlkin about r only kno the basics (n i mean basics) wich can b a bit difficult wen tryin 2 find a place (especially the grand palace which is really huge only it thai's say it completely different. ) well wot can i say abut the grand palace you would really ave 2 b there 2 undertsand how beautiful it is, every tile/roff is made out of gold/emeralds/rubys n sapphires etc. the workmanship was amazing. me and adam decided 2 get a guided tour which was a lil expensive but we saw the queue 2 get in and the tour guide said that we would boycott past the queuing if we gt her 2 show us around. 1 fing these thai ppl are gud at his tryin 2 get us 2 part wiv our money as we ended n goin on another guide a round the river in bangkok on a water taxi, past the river market(which is a market where ppl come up2 you on lil canoe boats while ur on the tourist boat etc, tryin 2 sell you food n souvineirs ewtc, quite weird 2 imagine really, but i bought a fan fing thht could b made in2 a hat fing, only cost abought 30p so cudnt complain.
And then i cudnt 4get me near miss from falling in2 the river as i was climbing out of the boat. u had 2 pull urself up on2 platform which wasnt a prob as id dun it b4, only wivout my bag on me bk, me bag got stuk on the canopy n i nrly fell in water which i wud certainly not ave enjoyed. lol (im sure those that kno me can visual me doing sumfin just like that, being the dopey one that i
Then finally we had the experience of a tuk tuk driver, well i prob wudnt ave gt on by meself but as i was with sum1 else and u cant come 2 thailand wivout goin on a tuk tuk. the driver said 10baht for a tour all over Bangkok, which we knew theyd b a catch 2 it, and we kepot askin 10baht 4 the whole fing (which is about 17 pence), well the catch was was that we had 2 go in2 about 6 different v overly priced tailor shops, both knowin that we didnt really want ne fin but we had 2 pretend 2 in order for tuk tuk driver 2 get a free coupon for gasoline from these shops, we were gettin a bit pssed off by the 4th shop, but as we didnt kno where exactly we was and suppose 2 b meetin sum1 for lunch we thouyght 1 more shop wudnt do us n e harm. was definate an expereince.
As for food, the food is lush, went 2 a restaurant last nite called cabbages and condoms, which is not as it may sound like and was far from sleazy, it was a restaurant taht supported aid charities by givin sum of its profits etc from it. n the meal along wiva drink only cost about 2.60. n e way im gunna get going tryin 2 plan wot 2 do 2moz, finkin of headin north for a while bfore the tour starts. spk soon n feel free 2 message me.
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