Hiya every1 sorry about the lack of updates ive been on the go all the time and had such an amazin last 5days, I absolutly love Laos, shame I had 2 leave so that b bk in time 4 the tour to start.
Neway, as mentioned previously I had gone over the border from Thailand to laos to eventually Vientianne. From their i took a public bus (which i must add, that half the journey was spent with a goat on the roof shame i never got to a little town called Vang Vieng, which to be honest is very touristy and the closest Laos will ever get to a blackpool lol. Everyvar is in competition with each other to 'who can play the tv show 'friends' the loudest.' lol. so as can imagine spent many a nite watchin.
As i was sayin, i have had an incredible time here, it started when bumped into two irish girls, one who wanted to go tubing but her mate couldnt because she had sprained her ankle climbing down some steps, so the other one fiona asked if we wanted to sign up together sort of thing and was happy to do so. from there we had a look around different tours and decided on doing a tour which consisted of seeing two caves, a small trek in a village with free dinner and then the afternoon tubing, all this for 5pound - bargain.
After that went for dinner and then went our separate ways as wanted to do different things but arranged to meet for tea later, and did and then watched friends.
The next morning I decided to move guest houses to a much nicer 1, i got a double bed, en-suite, with saterlitte tv for 4pound a nite. so after moving places went to meet fiona for breakfast before going to meeting place to be picked up and then the fun really began to start.
At first me and fiona that when we had signed up to go caving, it simply meant walking in to a cave and then back out again (just simply to have a look around sorta thing) well i couldnt have been moore wrong, no it was more of a rock climbing excercise, climbing along rock up,down under rocks, which is prob fine for those that were expecting it and I certainly wasnt and was s***ting myself all the way through it, but at same time was such a laugh, the only way i could of got through that was by keeping myself entertained by cracking jokes, which surprisingly did quite successfully an bonded the group together. There was 7 in all, me fiona, Dutch (well i nicknamed in dutch because couldnt pronounce his name) an australian couple, Josh and gemma and then the two Docs, Yes luckily we had two doctors on our tour, which was a bloody good job because dont think i would of done the caving otherwise lol. (well nt a;live anyway.) They must of thought they had walked into a consultant room with us young ones as we were forever telling them our ailments and symptons double checking I hadnt caught malaria or something, as one of them was a minister of tropical diseases. anyway enough said,
after lunch we went tubing which was where you sit in a rubber ring and floaty fown the river stopping off at different bars along the way, as well as going on the many ropeswings and zipliners into the river, was such a laugh, and shame i didnt take more pics buts was scared of droppin me camera in water. (and then not so surprisingly I got stuck in the bushes when floating down thr iver and couldnt get out for like 15minutes, thje river just wouldnt let me, while the other just carried on floating down river, (they couldnt really do much else as they could only go the direction the river would take them, so unfortunatly had to wait for the guide to make sure Fiona had got safely to banks of river as she couldnt swim at all, and he had to kayak back up the river to free me from the bushes lol.)
The tubing experience took about 3hours in all, but luved every minute of it. However we were about 500metres from end when the storm suddenly came in (as it does every nite at around 5pm for about 40mins) and it started thunder & lightening, but me being blonde, went oh well we'll be fine we r all in a rubber ring, and the doctor was like, yeh but rubber is no good if ur arse is in the water, lol. i dnt fink you'd ever seen me move so quick in all my life lol.
So from their was time to go home, but as the 7 of us had got on so well we had all arranged to meet about 8pm for food and drinks, and again had such a blast just shame that there is a curfew in Laos that all shops, pubs and businesses of any sort had to be closed by 11.30. But everyone was going their seperate ways from 2nite so didnt thing we'd see each other again and exchanged email addresses and promised to keep in touch.
So next day was on my lil lonesome again and decided to hire a bike and go cycling around the surrounding areas, n Laos is such a beautiful country, so took lots of piccys of the scenery.
The day after that i decided to venture up to Luang Prabang which is about 6hrs from Vang Vieng and has recently been given a world heritage site status and is a dream location for any travel photographer, with its incredible colonial architecture, dotted with delicatly decorated Buddhist wats (temples) and surrounded by emerald green mountains. It is also home to various Hmong tribes who originated from tibet and south western China.
I arrived in Luang Prabang around 4ish on the wednesday and found a small guesthouse close to the river and then when out to have a look around, i decided to head to some of the many temples and who do i bump into yes the docs and then closely followed by the australian couple so the tribe was once more nearly reunited apart from the irish girls who had gone to vietnam, so after tha we all travelled around together looking around the temples, markets and then the followin day went to a national park just outside of town and went swimming in the lagoons and waterfalls was so nice. And then also made friends with another girl who was travellin with a mate but had had a bit of a bust up with her and asked her if she wanted to come rd with us lot, so again had another great day, oh i dnt wanna come home.
Unfortunatly i had to cut my trip short to Luang prabang as wanted to go to an island before starting my tour so next day I set off for a 25hr journey back To Bangkok, where I am now and then il b shortly going to Koh Samet which is another 6hrs from here. neway got 2 go spk soon xxx
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