Europe 2010
About Herb
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New blog entry posted
Kiev to Edmonton, Alberta

New blog entry posted
Kiev, Ukraine
Teresa Gisi Paz Hi, do you have some pictures from KREMIANKA, UKRAINE? My mother Erna Schmidt was born there in 1923. I fave Facebook : My e-mail is [email protected] I live in Brazil.

New blog entry posted
Zhytomyr, Ukraine

New blog entry posted
Polish Volhynia, Ukraine
Helmut A. Langhans My Father and mother where born in Heimtal in 1887.Hermann Langhans
re: Neudorf and Heimtal, UkraineJonna Butz I also have Stober relatives from Cholosno! I'm so happy to find your blog. Paulina Stober was my great grandmother and married to Samuel Semke. If you have any additional information about the Stober family from Cholosno, or any photographs from there, I would greatly appreciate it.
re: Cholosno and Koresten, UkraineTeresa Gisi Paz Hi, do you have some pictures from KREMIANKA, UKRAINE? My mother Erna Schmidt was born there in 1923. I fave Facebook : My e-mail is [email protected] I live in Brazil.
re: Kiev, UkraineBrandy You commented on the Kelm family village. Do you have any other details? I am looking for Kelm family. Thanks Brandy
re: Zhytomyr, UkraineTeresa Schmidt Gisi Paz I have not recieve any answer yer. I am still waiting for any information abaout Kremjanka (Kremianka as my mother used to say) she was born there. Please, send me an e-mail. Do you have a map? It is near which place ? Thanks. Teresa.
re: Kremjanka, UkraineJürgen Kramss Dear Herb, it's so interesting to hear about your journey through Ukraine and especially from Kremjanka, where my Grandma was born. Thank you for your travel diary! Jürgen
re: Kremjanka, UkraineTeresa Schmidt Gisi Paz Some days ago I left a message but I didn`t receive anything as an answer. I hope that someone will do it. I need a site map to find Kremjanka or Kremianka as my mother used do say. It´s teh town hear Heimthal that she was born. As she wrote her sotry life and we want to change it in a book I need a map. Please if anyone knows something, send to my e-mail: [email protected] I live in a city called Foz do Iguaçú, state Paraná , Brasil, country.I´m waiting
re: Kremjanka, UkraineMarlene Loved the blog! Thanks for sharing all your adventures, Herb! (I felt as if I were there too!!)
re: Kiev to Edmonton, AlbertaRossy Hello dear, Greetings to you,My name is Rose, i view your profile in this site and i decide to communicate with you, it will be my pleasure if you will be my friend, i wish if you will respond to my mail box so that i will tell you more about my self.and sent you my photo, i hope to hear from you. yours Rose. Email ([email protected])
re: Palma de Mallorca, SpainDave & Cathy Guhl We enjoyed reading your blog. Had a good laugh about the topless sunbathers. We noticed that you took a very Canadian approach and changed the topic to the weather after describing the beach experience.
re: Palma de Mallorca, SpainElizabeth Guhl I went to visit that Sagrada church 25 years ago when it was still under construction ... doesn't sound like it has come very far since then!
re: Barcelona, Spain- last visited

- travel plan
- Rome, Italy
- Cannes, France
- Barcelona, Spain
- Mallorca, Spain
- Tunis, Tunisia
- Trapani, Sicily, Italy
- Radda In Chianti, Italy
- Nice, France
- Avignon, France
- Strasbourg, France
- Ingolstadt, Germany
- Bielefeld, Germany
- Vimy, France
- Paris, France
- London, UK
- Pulin, Ukraine
- Kiev, Ukraine
- Edmonton, Alberta
Marlene Loved the blog! Thanks for sharing all your adventures, Herb! (I felt as if I were there too!!)