Dear Tourists,
Thank you all for being part of a great adventure and at the conclusion Henry finally found a wife Bearoncye thanks to the matchmaking skills of Rosie Hopley.
It would be unfair to pick out any particular memories or individuals, but I am sure that all boys and girls on the tour would like to thank Macca for his contribution to school hockey over the past eleven years. And this tour was a fitting epitaph to his efforts. Thank you and well done Macca.
Like Henry we, too, are all united in marriage to a trip of a lifetime and in the years to come when we meet fellow tourists in some strange street in a far away land, even if we would not consider them one of our best friends, the memories will unite us and a smile will come across our faces as we recount a reminiscence. We will all have our own favourite stories, which we will place away in a locket close to the heart, ready to draw out on a blue day or when we meet over a drink. They will bring laughter, and maybe even tears of joy, in times to come.
So thank you for travelling part of the road of life as one soul and for two weeks, in the Summer of 2013, being united together for one purpose, to pull our hearts closer, write shared memories, draw striking images, which will be testimony to the friendship we shared for an all too short a time.
Best wishes
Henry and Bearoncye.
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