Press: Are you looking forward to the tour and what are going to be the highlights?
Henry: Yes, very much so. The highlight of the tour will be watching the two teams play hockey. There are some very talented players, who I know will shine.
Press: Why do you think this will be?
Henry: Unlike the Lions we are not just drawing from one group, but with girls for example we are using three year groups. Not only that, our top two coaches are not from New Zealand but are home grown talent.
Press: You are talking of Macca and Mrs. Mason.
Henry: Well, would I be talking about Schoey or Leesie? No. We all know Leesie is there to do the Laundry. As for Schoey..... his managerial skills. I suppose.
Press: How do you see Mrs. Horton fitting in?
Henry: Well.
Press: In what way?
Henry: Pastoral care. That sort of thing.
Press: I believe that she has had some hockey experience as well.
Henry: Plenty!
Press: Some have questioned the choice of Rachel Johhson as Captain. How do you stand on this?
Henry: There is no question, she is the girl for the job, along with EVElyn and Elisha . A fine trio of girls. Members of the last U15 team to win the Coventry Trophy. I will never forget that winning 13th penalty stroke by EVElyn. Thou taking the extra first aid for Elisha has proved expensive.
Press: How about the boy's team?
Henry: Equally impressive with Ryiam at the helm. Quality, oozing quality, that boy and the whole team.
Press: Do you see much rivalry between the two squads?
Henry: Yes. It will mean a lot to the coach with the best record. Mrs. Mason likes to pretend it does not matter, but to get one over on Macca in his last year, that would be quiet a fillet. Macca would not take it lying down. Not only that there will be brother and sister rivalry; Hobbs V Hobbs, Hopley V Hopley. The prospect is mouth watering.
Press: With Macca leaving do you think the Mr. Parker will try to make Rugby the major sport at Henry's again?
Henry: He has started, but this Rome was not built in day and nor will it be taken down in day.
Press: So hockey will be safe in the hands of AJ?
Henry: Not just safe, but positively thriving with her and Supa at the Helm.
Press: Thank you for allowing us to interview you.
Henry: It has been a pleasure.
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