Hello! So you will be pleased to here I made it to LA safe and sound.
My journey started well when I was sat next to a cute guy on the plane, who snowobarded, was in a hardcore band and loved Nic Cage movies. Shame he was going to LA to get married really... but it made for some good flight conversation and a friend at Virgin surprised hin with some champagne which I got to indulge in too. All was going well, until we landed.
landing at LAX they started offloading the passengers off the plane. And then they stopped and told the rest of us to take a seat. Apparently there had been a bomb scare and the whole airport needed to be evacuated. Excellent! So a couple of hours later we were let off the plane and all made to stand in a line against the wall whilst dogs checked our bags. Was all very Nothing to Declare. From here we were moved into a holding room (including the pilot) for another hour or so before being let into immigration. Welcome to America!!
When I finally got to David's flat there was time for a shower and we were off out on the town. This turned into an epic bar crawl combining both my and David's favourite haunts. The next day we woke up late and hungover and went in search of a smoothie. This about sets the tone for our whole time here so far. I always knew the LA part of my trip was going to be more of a holiday then travelling, I think I might just need to sleep when I get to Hawaii!
Friday night was by far the craziest and most random. After a mexican (we've actually mexicaned ourselves out now) we ended up going to a house party in Venice Beach. A free bar definitely set the tone for the evening, and leaving when the police arrived to shut it down was probably a wise move. Our journey home saw another police encounter when a car hit the back of our taxi. The driver seemed drunk yet the police said he seemed fine, this caused David to act like Dog the Bounty hunter to try and get him arrested and Nialsy just singing 'Bad boys bad boys watcha gonna do' how we walked away from this without getting into trouble ourselves god only knows. Either way we crawled into bed at 6am, pretty good going in a town where everything shuts at 2.
Yesterday we decided to hit the cinema to see Ted, SO funny, I highly recommend. Dinner was Sushi as we decided we needed something 'light' (this went out the window when we ended up at Mel's diner eating steak at 2am) then headed to the Roosevelt for some drinks. This basically resulted in us sitting by the pool wondering why everyone in this town is just so hot. Seriously, it's ridiculous! Our night ended with a champagne and absynthe cocktail which basically ruined all of us.
That takes us to today.... who knows what it might bring! Hope all is good with everyone at home xx
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Lou x Well jel!