This blog is called - "I hate heights and mountains! "
The bus from Cocabana to lap Paz was fine, it went a bit slow but then this is south america. We were dropped off in the middle of the city and we just walked round the corner and I found this really nice hostal. We have our own balcony, a clean shower and shower tray, a brand new samsung tv with cable - its really smart and not that expensive.
The people in the city are very very poor and we are only in the tourist part!
We unpacked our stuff and decided to go for tea. As I was walking along the street I could hear a bloke calling my name - it was only Jeff! (from the galapagos trip) I couldnt believe it. We went for tea and talked about what we had been up to. He has lost loads of weight! we then had a drnk in a little bar and it was nice to catch up. On the way back the streets were full of people searching through the rubbish bins looking for things worth money and food. Last night laying in bed all I could here was gun shot noises that echoed around the whole city becuase we are in a valley.
Woke up as usual, feeling fine. We had breakfast and then decided to go out and have a look whats about, we booked a flight to take us to Brazil on monday! Suddenly as I am crossing the road (which is really dodgy) I felt faint and felt myself falling. I managed to get to the other side but was really ill. The van would not have stopped if I had have gone down - it would have just hit me. We went straight into a cafe so I could get a drink but I was feeling really rough by then. I just said to kerry I had to back to the hostel. We got back but my nose was bleeding and I have thick sludgy blood running down my throat. ALTITUDE SICKNESS.
It is now about 5 hours later and I still feel dizzy, dis-orienated, and giddy. I have thick blood still running down my throat and every time I blow my nose I get more blood. Kerry has had to go down the road to change my money, pick up my washing and buy me a drink because I am unable to go.
I can honestly say I cannot wait to get out of this god-forsaken place. I have been ill on and off since arriving in South America and I am now so fed up that I just want to leave. I just want to get down to sea level - the sooner the better and Im just hoping that it improves! Even the plane on monday is sounding a better option! If we had done the trip the other way round (brazil first) then I can honestly say that I would have flown home by now - there is nothing worse than not being able to breathe!
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