Hola, greetings fro Copacabana! (Dont I look happy in the Photo!)
Well we slept in the awful hostel for the first night. I woke up with a bad back, the matress was terrible! We packed our stuff up and then checked out. I almost threw the money at the rude owner - he called me crazy so I think he got the picture!
We then checked into another hostel, not as grim as the other one luckily and cheaper. We then had breakfast, I was served another attempt at scrambled egg which was still raw. Again I refused to eat raw egg - they seem to undercook everything here!
We then got an a boat to take us on a trip to the island of the sun. We had to write out passport numbers down and they had to be given to an army official in case the boat sunk; there were no life rafts, jackets or anything. They needed our details to notify our governments! What a lovely thought as you sit on a wooden boat that looks as if its a 100 years old!
We were told it took 30-40 minutes to get there but around an hour and a half later (an feeling light headed from the yukky petrol fumes that engulfed us!) we arrived at a desolate place where the local women were washing their clothes in the lake and the donkeys and Llamas were having a drink! We expected it to be a little more lively than that so we just sat down and had a drink and within an hour we got back on the boat and headed back. We sat on the roof of the boat on the way back as I felt this was safer in the event of emergency, it also meant my lungs got a rest from the fumes!
We met a couple of other travellers, a girl from Mexico with a name I cant pronounce so she told me to call her Anna. We also met a bloke from barcelona called Tumi or something. We ended up having dinner with them despite the obvious language barrier! I ordered spag bol for tea, I left it - I couldnt decide whether the meat was gineau pig ot Llama and it was cold therefore not cooked - again! Kerry had about 3 glasses of wine and becuase of the altitude was therefore drunk! She decided to tell me her eyes had changed colour!
This morning I opted for an English breakfast however left most of it again as it was undercooked! Im feeling rather hungary! I still have a stinking cold and still cannot breathe very well (we are up so so high! around 5 miles above sea level!). I cannot wait to move on. We head to La Paz in around 2 hours. We travel by bus which should be interesting (again!) and we have no accommoadtion booked so we will be getting stressed in a dark, big capital city later.
I do have to mention how cheap it is here! For a Coca Cola its around 6 Bolivianos, about 48p. For a meal its between 90p and 1.50! Out boat tour cost us about 95p! The people are very poor here, its dusty, children and babies play in the dust in the street. Dogs roam everywhere and the buildings are crumbling. Talk about Cukture Shock!!!
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