The Dashing Diner
OK back doing what we do best. Have checked into a great resort - right on beach with huge rolling waves- body surfing,long boarding whatever your talent- a lovely pool & pool bar with a most capable bar tender. Capable not only at pouring good cocktails but also for his juggling ability.There are all sorts of shapes being tossed above his head at any time of the day - very Tom Cruise- However I did hear a couple of crashes t'other day which may dampen his enthusiasm particulary if he has to pay for lost liquor.
Jude & I are feeling good and ready to part with some rupiah -so off to the shops.
Well - I had a most sucessful time - had a sllight run in with some MONEY EXCHANGER ROBBERS- yes it did cross my mind why the ER was higher than norm. But thought why not - I will change $200 TCheques. Well the guy made big fuss of counting out the notes- in 20's not 100 denominations- in little groups and piles and god knows what--flattering me on my dress blah blah blah. I felt something was odd - and just at that moment I saw a quick slight of his hand. I noted this with him at which point he appeared most hurt and insulted that I would think he would do such a thing. HA HA HELLY NOT SO STOOOPID-NOT BORN IN 1980 BUT 1960!!!!
Any way I so off I walked out of place having asked for receipt which I got begrudgingly but still felt that the wad of notes was weighting lighter than at first counting.Jude was with me and we counted it again -behind the corner and blow me down he had halved my money-Well we trotted right back into that place - me shaking as I hate stuff like this and Jude demanding to count it in front of him and where was the rest of the notes were?She flicked those notes as efficiently as a high business bank teller.The moneychanger looked bemused.
Shocked and, I am sure pissed off high and mightily- the money changer magically reissued the correct money into the piles and we exited triumphantly. Am so glad Judy was there as I think one person against the two dodgy dudes would have been fruitless.
They do warn you of this type of fraud- so it it just prudent to keep sharp.
I guess if they dupe a couple of people a day -it is a good means of making a living.
Had a fab meal and evening at the Oberoi- wow- moonlit rolling waves- cocktails with Carmen Miranda size fruits in- and just an understated elegance we like .
Everywhere in Bali- on entereing the hotel of choice and restaurant- one has to go through a bag search and car/boot bomb search- a shame but a sign of the times.
Well, My travelling wilberry has flown into the arms of her New Zealand lamb and I await for my South African biker.I am so excited I cannot tell you- the spa and beautician has got some work to do!! On me I mean !
Have already warned the housekeeping staff to import 10 more pillows- icebuckets ,larger airconditioning units !!!
Will speak later.
PS Spent 2 hours downloading photos yesterday - trying to get them onto my journal but for some reason it does not seem to want to import - so will try again later.
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