The Dashing Diner
After we left the safe haunches of Obud we set about travelling to Lombok. A 20 minute flight up and down, a quick bite of a bright green bun kindly donated by the local airline,an abrupt landing which raised our heartbeats and we arrived in Lombok.
Less focused on tourism ,most of Lombok is much quieter than its more famous neighbour,qne has a very different character geographically and culturally. The indigenous Sasak people make up 90% of the population and they follow the Islamic religion but have a culture and language unique to Lombok.
As soon as we arrived there is an altogether different atmosphere- might I say not as comfortable as Bali.
The main attraction here are the Gilli islands which lie on the northwest coast.These coral fringed islands-Gili Aie,Meno or Trawangan each have their own character.We chose Meno - the quietest of the three with the best beaches bright white sand,clear sparkling water, free flowing fish n turtles and no water supply! One forgets how that SKY JUICE is singularly the most important factor in survival and comfort when you have it at tap source.
The way they get their water is by tedious trips by small boat to the mainland with huge water carriers - Most of the hotels on this island do not have freshwater showers(Not a good start) However, after booking into first hotel which was described as THE MOST CHARMING COTTAGES on the island - this one did have fresh water. All v good except the bathroom was MANKY-and you know how I DO NOT DO manky- neither does my travelling wilberry.
We suffered one night -scared and unable to relieve ourselves for fear of stepping on the manky floor - and promptly move to the Nautilus Villa- close by.A delightful villa- cream and clean which happen to serve possibly the best pizza this side of Italy.
A couple of lazy days on a beautiful beach- great beach bar,music to groove to ,sexquisite sunsets ,crap wine and good snorkling was what was needed. Then we craved the sweetness of Bali.
One of the lovliest things about the Gillis is that there are no cars-transport is in the form of pony drawn carts. The tinkling of bells and hooves on ragged pathways was truly special. I have never seen such tiny beasts- but they seemed well looked after and fed- as each time Judy and I would question the welfare/feed etc of each ride.The diet seemed to include honey and eggs!!! That is a new one on me for equestrian foodstuffs-Nikki what do you reckon? I guess they have to substitute horsey foods with what they got!
The people are desperate for tourism but seem not to have the panache of their neighbours. A little intrusive- in the quest for being friendly they tend to question you incessantly about your family,kids,statistics and anything else that pops up- OK for 5 minutes but after that - I have to say 'no thank you I do not want another bl---dg coral necklace or coconut juice or sunglasses or nasty pearls " on holiday NOT 20questions byeeeeeee.
Am glad we came here- sad did not get to dive- as I hear it is fab but will do that when get back to Bali .The only gotty knot is the transport between Lombok- and the Gillis- run by a mafia- where a fast boat once ran -it now has been stopped in favour of the local boats which- although interesting and buoyant and full of locals,fruit& veg and starring Sasaks- it is all a bit daunting and miserable with the hassles of the hawkers and monye pinching baggage boys.
Back to the belly of Bali
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