Im really lovin this blog. Its so imformative, well done honi!!! You are defo gettin about, Is your mon goin to see you thru?? Lets hope!! I come on here every day!! I also think you should hav gone onto the edge, I think you were to to poep bang!! Hehe!! Dont insight your mum with casinos, mind you havin said that????
Glad the weather seems to be playin the game, tho I must say it looks chilly. We used to that tho hey!! Your takin sum wicked pics sweeti & Im lovin the little comments. Its great for me on niteshift, its like watchin my own little travell show!!
Take care my darlin. Missin you lots. Love you with all my heart.
Lots of hugs & kisses, Your Dad xoxoxoxoxoxoxox
Hi my darling Daughter,
It was so lovely speaking to you today, to hear that beautiful voice that I have missed so much. Dave has been a real sweetheart taking you to explore Melbourne and his family sound lovely.
Keep enjoying yourself darling. I can't wait to see where you are next and I keep checking your blog.
Stay safe my darling and I love you with all my heart and thinking of you constantly. I'm sending you lots of love, hugs and kisses.
Your Mom
Hi Hells,
While I'm enjoying a nice holiday (at home), relaxing and having loads and loads of time... (strange feeling, you know), I discovered your message and it's great to go through your pictures and stories! Enjoy your trip and I look forward to checking out your next adventures.
Take care Elke
Hi my little traveller
Seems like you having a good time darlin. Good on stinky D he really seems to be going out of his way!! WELL DONE Stinky! Nice song!!
I like how Rox calls you trouble!! Just go easy on the poor Aussies!! HEHE!!
Just love readin about your adventure keep us up to date sweeti. Nice!! Missin you so much Love you with all my heart Dad xoxoxox
Hey My Friend,
So glad you are having a wicked time, and you had a safe flight. Bit kak about your delay, nothing worse than having to wait on a plane. Melbourne looks awsome, wish i was there to share it with you but will see you in NZ soon. Cant flippin wait, missing you lots, take care and keep us all updated.
Big hugs and kisses
Love ya lots.
Hey trouble
Glad to hear you are having fun... when do you start work!!!!! Ivan and i are midway through booking our trip - i'm so excited now we actually have stuff confirmed (and i have my visa....) Can't wait to read more tales of the hells bells life and laughter xxxx
be cool babe, love Rox :-)
Eileen Stockton
Hi my darling, I have just been looking at your blog. It seems like you are having a great time. I am really happy for you my darling. You deserve all the fun in the world. Keep posting, at least we can get to see where you are and what you up to. Don't worry about missing my birthday, at least I got your message. I am missing your lovely voice on the phone my darling, but at least I can enjoy your travels with you. Have a wonderful time and I am thinking of you constantly and love you with all my heart. All my love your Mom xoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Erika Stockton
Hi Hunny Bun
Good to hear you've set a date and will soon be on your travels. I hope you have a fantastic time, make the most of every moment. We are always here for you no matter what, so you always have a home to come to. No matter what, you need to do this for you, and travel and explore the world, seize every opportunity and watch out for those smooth talking ozzies. Miss you always love you madly lots of love Erika, Gran & Grandad xoxoxo
Finally - you put us out of our misery!!!
Hope you have a great time Hells and watch out for all the bitey things!!
Dave Stockton
Hi my darlin Bells, I also want to wish you happy travels and safe landings. I am goin to miss you more than you'll ever know. I'l think of you everyday till I can give you a big hug & we are together again. But I hope you hav a wicked trip & find out more about you!! Make lots of friends & have lots of adventures my darling daughter.
I love you with all my heart. Please stay safe
Just look over your shoulder & I'll be there, Your Daddy xoxoxoxoxo
Eileen Stockton
Hi Darling, I want to wish you all the best for your travels. I will be thinking of you every minute of everyday and am going to miss you terribly! Now that's out of the way, I really want you to have the adventure of your life, as this is a once in a lifetime opportunity and you really need to do this. You are very precious to me so please be safe and enjoy my darling. I Love you with all my heart. Your Mom xoxoxox.