22 August 2009
This morning we hit the high road to Bondi beach.It was only an hours drive (so really much quicker than me going to Manly on my days off)On our arrival, we checked in, and then hit the beach.We went for a beautiful salad for lunch, with some bubbely of course.We then went back to the beach, and just layed there enjoying the sun, and the beautiful blue sea.What a life.
This evening the rugby had to be seen, so we went to a really wicked bar to enjoy the game, it was great fun.
The next morning we got up nice and early to enjoy the lovely weather (it was 22 degrees before midday) and went for a lovely breakfast.From there we walked down to Bondi Beach, which was only a 10 minute walk.We found ourselves a nice spot on the beach, and set up camp.There were lots of people swimming, and of course many surfers were out.I tested the water, but NO, it was still far too cold for me, so just layzed on the beach all day!
Once we had had enough of the Beach, we decided to go for a couple sun-downers.As the evening progressed, I was going more and more red.Yes, I got me some sunburn ….. a lot of it!After a couple drinks, we got a take-out, and went back to the apartment, for some dinner.We took it easy this evening, as we knew it was a VERY early morning the next day, and then a days work.
We left at 5.30am the next morning, to make our way back to the Farm to be at work for 7.30am.Needless to say it was an extremely quiet journey going back - the brain just isn't able to function at that time of the morning!
As you can imagine, after such an early start to the day, and a busy day @ work (until 2ish) I slept like a baby that night!
27 August 2009
'Dorene' - one of the girls who works on the farm took me to the 'Log Cabin' for dinner and drinks.The food was outstanding - I tried Barramundi for the first time, and it was lush (I think I have found a new favourite fish).After dinner we went to 'Panthers', the Sports club, for a couple cocktails, which were fantastic.
28 August 2009
Today I had the day off work.I was going to head out into the City, but the everyone on the Farm was throwing one of the guys a farewell BBQ, 'Eddy', so I decided to stick around, and join in the fun.He's leaving to travel around Australia in his Camper Van, how cool is that?
The bbq started around midday, and carried on till the early hours of the morning.Everyone was in good spirit, so we giggled loads, and drank just as much.It was definitely a good day/eve!
2 September 2009
This evening we went with Mike and Jean to 'Spur' for dinner.Yes, it is just like Spur in South Africa, so of course I had a big fat steak.Oh my goodness it was lovely.Done to perfection.However my baked potato was a little over done - so sent that back for chips instead, which they did, happily.After our scrumptious meal, we went to Krispy Creams, and got ourselves a doughnut each, and cappuccino mmmmm what a perfect way to end a great meal!
The meal was that good, we hit the Spur again the following week hehe.No, it was Tracey's 21st Bday dinner (Leif's, sisters, daughter) so we all met up at Spur again, and enjoyed another fat steak (but I ordered chips 1st time round this time).Unfortunately we didn't end the night with Krispy Cream doughnuts, but fortunately we did end it with delicious chocolate cake yum.
9 September 2009
Today was the famous Sydney Bridge Climb.I worked until about 12.30, got ready, and set off to make our way into town to make the climb for 3pm.It was out of this world.A truly fantastic experience, and would recommend it to anyone passing through Sydney.Definitely well worth it.Our guide 'Dee' was fantastic.She was very energetic, and loads of fun.I was well impressed that she could remember all of our names (seeing how bad I am with remembering names).Of course, she gave us a lot of info about Sydney Bridge, its history, and build, which was very interesting.The Climb lasts 3.5 hours.We walked up 1481 stairs, which at the time I didn't feel, but definitely felt the effects on the calves the next day.The view was outstanding, and the timing was perfect, that on our decent, we watched the sun setting - absolutely beautiful.
We ended the evening, with a lovely meal, at a fabulous restaurant, at Circular Quay.The food and bubbely was outstanding!
11 September 2009
Today, I travelled up to North Sydney, to see Jorge.He drove me to Newport Beach, and then onto Newport Arms Hotel for lunch.The sun was shinning, the view was gorgeous, and the food was scrumptious - what more could one ask for!After lunch we took a drive to Whale Beach, and then a very scenic drive to Palm Beach.Oh my goodness, the houses were just fantastic, they were massive (Big money in Palm Beach)
12 September 2009
This evening Elena (one of the pickers on the farm) took me out for dinner with a South African friend of hers, that emigrated to Australia years ago.It was a lovely evening, again with good food, and good company!My goodness, all this good food, and wine I'm having, the pounds are packing on very nicely.But hey, that's what happens when you're on holiday.
16 September 2009
Today was my last day working on the farm (for the time being).I've had a fantastic time, and met fabulous people.Everyone was really lovely during my stay, and made me feel very welcome.There are many different characters there, and definitely kept me entertained all day, every day.There were lots of giggles, and also some drama's, but it was good fun, and an experience I will never forget.I've become very fond of the ladies (and some of the men) on the farm, and feel that I've made some good friends!
17 September 2009
Today I made my way into the city, and went Whale watching.It was such good fun!Unfortunately we didn't really get to see any Whales (they just didn't want to play), but the boat ride was awesome.I sat right up front, for the perfect view.The water was extremely choppy, so there were very many sick people on the cruise, by the time we made our way back to the Harbour.The trip itself was 3.5 hours, and full of fun.We got absolutely soaked, from the waves crashing onto the boat, and there were almost a few fatalities, but everyone got off with no serious injuries!
After the fantastic cruise I made my way to 'Schofields' station where Leif picked me up, and went round to Mike and Jean, for Wesley's 26th Birthday dinner.It was a lovely evening, with fabulous food (Mike and Jean, really know how to put on a feast).
19 September 2009
Today a couple of the girls from the farm took me horse riding (Mags, Barbs, and Catherine).We had an absolute blast!Though the butt was abit sore the next day, along with the thighs.The ride itself was an hour.The view was great, you could see the city in the distance.Shame, I really felt for one of the young girls in our group, as her horse was very naughty, and kept bucking, so she was not a happy bunny, and understandably nervous, so she had to ride at the back of the group, to stop her horse from getting agitated.All I kept thinking was 'Thank goodness I didn't get that horse - my nerves would have been shot'.My horse was lovely, his name was Barron, he was very well behaved, and had a good few trots and canters with him.
This evening, we made our way into the City to have dinner with Wesley and his mates for his Birthday, and then onto a Club, to join Tracey, for her Birthday celebration with her friends (my goodness, how old I felt).All the youth running around, dancing, having a blast (I remember the days - hehe) In all it was a great evening.
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