Cruising off the coast heading to Venice, due to arrive at midday tomorrow.....kick back day today.
Another spectacular day at sea, sunny with a breeze blowing.
Did the washing in the my washing machine!
Having 'pub lunch' with Mark and Molly today, then dress-up time tonight for Captain's Dinner.
Force 7 wind blowing this am, bit bumpy, the captain assures us it is only the ship hitting the waves, not mermaids, dolphins or rocks! Reassuring!
Off to a culinary demonstration....chef showing us his skills.....
It takes 260 tons of food to feed the 3200 passengers for 7 days......(don't know what the crew eat!).....533 crew for food service all told. No wonder we all get back having over indulged a touch.
Last night the Major head waiter (so many ranks on board) 'got up me' because he said I had ordered a GF cake and had not picked it up! What ????? I merely suggested to passenger services that they should have GF options daily in the sweet about crossed wires!!! They had apparently cooked me a whole cake and not bothered to inform me!! Stupid idiots!!
Roger was not happy with 'Major Head Waiter'and complained bitterly to our 'Head Waiter' about his boss!
Our wonderful 'head waiter' by the way, has the kitchen prepare me a special dessert each night.....I need that like a hole in the head but of course I eat and enjoy it!
Who is going to do this for me in a weeks time?
Today at morning tea they had scrummy GF coconut layer cake....yummy. Probably one of the cakes I didn't pick up!
One thing we won't miss after disembarking......the loud mouth, whinging Yanks. So many of them talk for the sake of hearing their own voices.....saw one wearing a t-shirt yesterday - 'Everyone is entitled to my opinion', how true!
Most of the women are vague, love to shop, move very slowly and push the men around.......
In all fairness they are not all like that, but majority seem to fit that mould.
Weird though, they seem to have a fascination with Aussies. As do most of the inhabitants of the countries we have been to.
Mark didn't make it to the lunch, he is still not well poor bloke....sure seems to have knocked the stuffing out of him.
Went to the Captain's Party.....guess who wasn't there.........the Captain!
Rogers thoughts on the day......
On the boat.....there is a 15 knott wind blowing out there, I'm just biting at the bit because I can't throw a board over the side and sail some of it. That's one thing they have not got on board, a windsurfer!
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