Hi hellie,
Wow! can't believe how cool this website is! sorry it took me so long to get round to looking at it, I wasn't expecting
there to be so much stuff on already. I can't believe that even emma has managed to write a couple of messages before me,
I feel ashamed of myself! ;-) The photos are fab, cant believe that there are none of grotty hostels yet... i guess there is time
for all that!
Ur not the only intrepid traveller - me and Darcy went to lulworth cove last week for a romantic get away, it was really nice; we
stayed in a really cool little hotel and there were a couple of girls working there who come from Sydney! They had been away
for 18 months but somehow still had a supply of vegemite?! Had a pretty hectic weekend - a friends birthday on friday night,
which turned into a bit of an all nighter, hence sat was spent asleep at my desk (was meant to be working!) and then me and
darcy went to my sisters for a race night. My sister has now lost 3 stone! she looks sooo different its crazy! Went shopping
and for lunch with lisa y'day and I've turned in gemma and started to make my own xmas cards.... its reminding me why I never
took art gcse!
think thats all the gossip for now, try not to get too tanned, we will never recognise you!
Hi Helen, There was me thinking that you were off in the mountains this week end and all the time you hadn't
made it out of town!! Sorry to hear about the foot have you done it to come out in sympathy with me.
Spent the week-end sorting out the last of the shopping and think I've just about got there. I've decorated
the lounge and hall so you will be proud of me. Not with the big tree but I've bought pretty twigs and lots
of plants - you would approve. The kitchen is coming on - we have seen a small breakfast set which we think
will fit in quite nicely. Christmas sounds if it is going to be pretty good although it could possibly pass in a
bit of a haze I think. Nan is off to France on Thursday until the week after Christmas. Both Dad and I have
work's meals this week so that will be ok. When you ring Dad has a query re a statement that has arrived -
no great problem but we want to confirm something with you. By the way do you have a spell-check .
Take care. Lots of love and kisses from Mum and Dad xxxxx
Hello people. How are we all? Er, where are all my messages you are all being a bit slack! Evelyn i am wearing factor 30 actually. And everyone here is quite surprised by my evergrowing tan. Altho the prob is everyone around me is getting browner to. D'oh! So this weekend Teresa and i were surposed to go to the blue mountains, but we went out friday night and were a little worse for wear sat we went to a market and street festival in Kings cross and then went out again sat night and sunday we collasped! Some of hannah and mels friends from home are travelling and are here now for the next few months, 2 of then worked for tony and guy in cornwall and it was fantastic living with 2 hairdressers for the weekend. Katie curled my hair on saturday night, abit like jules hair in plymouth. Anyway they are now in there hostel which the corridor leading up to there room stinks of stilton! Its a really good laugh having a big group here now and christmas and new year will be more fun! At some point over the weekend i hurt my foot, no i did not fall over i think it may have been my crazy dancing moves. I pulled a muscle on the top of my foot and presently i can hardly walk. Teresa got me some heat rub so i guess that is why people in the internet cafe are fainting around me...cos i stink! Anyway as a true portsmouth gal i will solder on! Hope your all ok? Love Helen xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hello Miss Stubbs. Can I just say that you are looking extremely well altho I can't find a change in colour on the skin yet - what factor sun lotion are you using 1000?!!!!!!! The photos are fantastic but you don know that there are other keys on the keyboard apart from ? - you have to find out what the blue fish and the one with 'the nose' is cos I'm intrigued. How boring are we cos there is still no gossip from us girls. Going to TGI Fridays tonight with the girls from work so it should be ineresting, not sure if I am meeting Julie, Holly and poss Tasha afterwards. Well I have started mum and dad's xmas shopping but still not in the mood for festivities. Best go and do some ordering of cd's etc for mum on-line. Take care and keep enjoying yourself. love ya loads xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hay one and all. I went to Bondi beach yesterday! Its smaller than i imagined and i'm afraid to say no surfer dudes in little speedos. All it was were teenage girls, families and older hairy men. Boo hoo! I hired a parasol and i tell ya i looked really cool! Going to the blue mountains this weekend and staying in my first hostel! It reached 45 degrees here on wednesday and all of us in the flat could not move. You even sweat moving a limb! Hope your all well? Love Helen xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Gemma M
Hey! So glad Fronk is alive and well - how cute is he?! I hope he'll help you meet your true prince/surf dude! Life is slowly plodding on without you - me and Bill slacked off Boxercise this week our excuse is it isn't the same without out!!! Are you doing any exercise there? Kara had improved alot tonight in Aerobics - I wonder if she's been practising. I'll get a photo of Bill this weekend and email it to you....you won't believe how big she's got it's amazing were all getting very excited!!! Life's not the same without you..... x x
Hey hun, haven't really got any interesting gossip or anything for you but I just had a look at all the photos and the postcard and I am very impressed and extremely jealous. Everything looks amazing and I'm glad you are having a fantastic time. The Aquarium there has a lot of "things" doesn't it? Mind you at least it has some, unlike the Sealife Centres here!! Thanks for clearing up the confusion about Fronc - he is very cute and I'm looking forward to watching him grow. I went to Aqua again last night and I've booked my 1 2 1 for the 19th December - what is going on!?!?! Scouse wanted me to say hi, so HI. I'll write again soon sweetie. Take Care. Love, hugs and kisses, Me.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Oh my god its taken me ages to download the pictures....you all had better appreciate them! Had a busy day yesterday doing more tourist stuff after monday was taken up with crappy flat stuff. Boo hoo! Now the stubb lot will find this quite amusing....Jenny Campian is here. Recognise the name? She went to college with us and recognised me instantly, knew my name and all yours! I didnt have a clue who she was! What a small world! Right quick update with neighbours......Dill, Scott and Stu are all in prison, Susan is engaged to that bloke,the farther of the two weirdo kids, but his has cancer and is dieing, karl knows but not susan. Sympathy marriage? Serena has left, conner is fat. Um, fink thats is for now. Enjoy the new pictures! I'm off to work on my tan....ha, ha, ha, ha, ha! Big love to you all. Helen xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Little me here, had to write again, haha my date was at the same place as Kara, its so a first date place in there mind you not so sure i'll be going on anymore with my bloke as he doesn't seem to keen, i've hardly heard from him at all so think its a bit of a non starter! I'll see what happens but really not holding out much hope! God me and blokes, I give up!!!
Glad you cleared up the Fronk thing via the board, I get it now!
Looking forward to more pics etc and will let you know any updates! Love ya Jen xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hey Helen! Your pictures are great! I can't believe that you made Fronc grow - we still expect to see pictures of him posing in different venues around the world!!! Oh my god you are so pale!! I guess that is made worse by your extremely brown friends!!! Have you been tempted to try the fake tan yet? I bet you will by the time you get back! So.... about my hot date...... (this is partly for Gem H and Emma H) it went well - we went to the Watermark in Port Solent and I drove as thought I could embarrass myself if I drank! He is a really nice guy and we got on well - went back to his to watch some tv after (and no - nothing happened)! I will email you more as dont want to post stuff on a public webpage!!!!! Hee hee!! Luv Kara xxx
Hi Hellie.....
New pics are fab, just at work now x-raying drunk people looking at your photo's. Sounds as though you are having a fab time, but the tan isn't up to much I have to say !!
This message board thing is a fab idea, think people are prob chatting more on here than we would at home - not that we don't love you at home as well. You have to ask Kara about Friday night .... so far I haven't got a date for the wedding, I just got a text implying my inquiry was a joke, honestly !
Anyway glad you are having a fab time, will check in soon
Emma xx
Hello peeps, i've updated my pictures again for you all. How are you all? Good i hope? Well its blimen hot out here at the mo and we had a massive thunder storm on firday night. When it gets to the 40's i aint moving out of the flat. We have already started to discuss the tent for helen on bondi beach when we go, as i aint stepping out into the sun! The mossie bites have started aswell the little sods! My weekend was good, we went out on saturday night to a bar on the harbour and a club, which wasnt my sort of music unfortunalty, at the time i was missing chicagos! Oh my god! Anyway t and i have been going some tourist stuff, we went up the sydney tower which was a bit disapointing as there are too many skyscappers in the way of the Opera house and the bridge, but we did amuse ourselves by finding a sticker booth where you can super impose a picture of yourself on a background. I suppose you had to be there at the time! Saturday we went to a real aussie barbie. It was a work pal of my flatmate mel, and i tell ya the food was lovely and i even saw my first cockroach! (is that how you spell it?) Anyway, miss donahue what this about a date? I thought you were supposed to be keeping me informed about the gos?! And Jen, i really dont remember you meeting a bloke on my leaving do? How was your date? I suppose i had better tell you all about Fronc. Well gem mason got me a little frog for my leaving pressie, you kiss it make a wish and put in some water and it increases in size. So that why there are some pictures of fronc growing up! I'm not mad really! You'll have seen some pictures of chris aswell, he's a mate from uni who is out here doing a sailing course to become a yachtsman, he doesnt want anything to do with interior design! Anyway, thats it for mow m'dears. Hope your all ok? Keep the messages coming i'm loving them! Big hug to you all Love Helen xxxxx