Just about to get in the bath, shattered. Have had a busy bank holiday Monday in the garden. Now you can actually see through the bamboo, it's not like a jungle any more. Dad and Will have been putting in the fence posts, they are tired boys too. Will off to JL tomorrow for registration. Did I tell you that David Linnell is leaving at Christmas.
Dad says hello and he will e-mail you tomorrow when he gets to London. Just packing his case at the moment.
Granny and Grandad had to be helped with their message to you, computers are not quite their thing!
Thinking about getting our cash sorted, is it best to bring travellers cheques, or what do you suggest, now that you have bene there a week or two.
Back to work tomorrow, ughh, like being at home too much. Will and I went to Cleethorpes yesterday, we tried to walk out to the waters edge, the tide was out so far, but it got too muddy, so we turned back and had an icream and a game of crazy golf instead.
Going to soak my weary bones now. Will write tomorrow.
Back from Leeds now and all cleaned up. The weather was great all weekend until Muse started to play (headline on Sunday) and then it poured it down pretty much the whole way through and then all night so we got soaked and everything turned into a mud bath. Saw loads of bands... too many to mention. Haven't really got any gossip, just the usual stuff, food was bad, loos were gross etc. You got a text from granny and grandad too then? I got one when I was at Leeds. I think granny is finally getting the hang of it. Mum and Dad had to try and explain pradictive text too her! She couldn't understand how it just knew what she wanted to say.
I'm might put a picture up from the weekend if there are any good ones just about to load them on to the compuer now.
Have a good week,
Lizzy x x x
everyone I hope you are enjoying the bank holiday.
Firstly well done to Granny and Grandad for useing the internet, or did someone do it for them? All they have to do is find the internet again and write back. I will be waiting.
What is the gossip in the Holroyd house?
This weekend I went to the Orang Asli museum, a museum about the aboriginal people in Malaysia, which was interesting and on Sunday I went for a bit more of an explore aroung KL,m but i have written more about this in a journal entry so i do not have to keep repeating myself. I always have lots of messages waiting for me on a monday morning, so it is easier to write bits to everyone and then a general update.
Hmm, there was something else i was going to say but now i cant remember, oh well i can write it again when i remember. Oh yes now i rember, please tell granny I am 7 hours ahead i got a txt form her and it woke me up.
Lots of love
Granny & Grandad
Hi Helen
Hope you are looking after yourself and having a good time, we think about you a lot. Just had a look at your photos and it looks a nice place. Hope you will want to come back home.
Hi Helen
We had a good day in Dalby, nice and sunny. Dad and I went off to Scarborough when we dropped Will & Dave off. Dad triedto persuade me to go in the open air pool, but I thought it would be a bit cold, it always was when we were little and usedto go. But, it look OK, so perhaps we should have gone.
Have e-mailed you Wills results again. He is very pleased with himself.
They look to be having reasonable weather at Leeds. It was on the TV last night, but didn't see Liz!
Putting up fence today and Granny and Grandad coming too. Will of to a party tonight at Moortown.
Off for a shower now, have a fun weekend. Speak tomorrow.
Everyone its Friday and a bank holiday for you lot so have fun. Enjoy Dolby Forrest, I am sure you did very well in you exams Will but i haven't got your email yet.
Just after i wrote to you all yesterday i got stuck in a massive rain storm. Lukly i was still at the hospital so didn't get wet but i could watch it was quite impressive. I couldn't see more than a couple of meters away the rain was so heavy, all the traffic stoped and the lightening hit quite a few trees. The good thing was it only lasted just over an hour and then it stopped and you could hardly tell it had rained. Plus it is a lot cooler today, horray, i don't feel so hot and sticky.
I hope you all have a good weekend, I am off to an aboriginal museum just out side KL to see a bit of history. Let me know what you get up to.
Lots of love
Hi Helen
Glad tp hear that you don't think it will rain all the time, it's bad enough here. don't want to go on holiday to the rain. Just got back from School. Will has just sent you an e-mail. Mrs Brookman says hello.
Having a couple of days off, nice to have a lay in. Going to make curtains for the flat. How come they are letting you off your elective early, that's not like the medical profession, they usually want every last ounce.
Anyway, have a nice day, speak tomorrow.
Mum xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Thanks for all the messages yesterday.
It sounds like all your weeks are tuning out ok.
We had a big thunderstorm here yesterday evening. I dont think the rain should spoil your trip though. Up to now it has rained heavily for a hour and then stopped.
I hope you have a good time at leeds festival and don't get too wet!
I will get in touch with Martin and see what Helen has to say, we go to langkawi on the 9th of September
I hope you have fun at Sarah Angles party, is it a personal or Browie party?
I have sent all grandparents a card they should receive it ant time now.
Thought I would leave you a quick message today as I am leaving for Leeds festival tomorrow morning. Yey I can't wait. I will be sure to check out lots of cool bands.... even ones that you would recomend me to see... I think you mentioned Be Your Own Pet before.
Not done much this week I was at work last night it was very busy so I was serving non stop all night. I saw a few people that I went to school with and more that I went to college with. It's alway nice to see people I know.
I'm going shopping for stuff for the weekend soon. We are trying to look for a cheap gazebo as it looks like it might rain :( NOOOOO!
I will report back after the weekend.
Lizzy x x x x
Hi Helen
I was talking to Helen Taylor's Dad at swimming at the weekend and Helen is in Langkawi. She has been there some time. If you would like to contact her, Martin's e mail is [email protected] I am sure he woulf forward you Helen's e mail.
Busy week here at Kew cooler and wet at present.
Hi Helen
Sounds like you are managing to get your tour of Malaysia sorted really well. Can't wait, 3 weeks on Saturday!
Nothing much else to report, just waiting on news of Grandad, I'll keep you posted. If you get chance to send them a card or soemthing, think they would like that.
Off the Sarah Angells Fairy Party at Moot Hall tomorrow night - fun of what!
Love Mum xxx
It has been a quiet day in the hospital today, everyone seems to be doing admin, so no fun for me.
None the less i have used it as an oppotunity to oganise some of the places i am going to visit. So far it looks like this...
I flight to Penang on the 5th September and stay for 3 night, then move on to Langkawi for 3 nights then back to KL for a night and then onto Melaka befor coming up to KL to meet Mum and Dad. After that I am going on to the Cameron highlands. This is the plan so far but it is to be continued...
How is this week tuning out for everyone?
Have fun