Sounds like you are having a nice relaxing time, how's the sun tan coming along?
Just beginning to think about packing, need to be in control by the end of this weekend, think I have just about got everything, but not sure what sort of footwear to bring. What do you suggest?
It's a lovely day here, bright, sunny, but chilly. Will seems to be settling in OK to Leggott, there are lots of people he knows from St Mary's and hockey. Not sure what tutors he has, but he doesn't have Peter Merrick for Maths, think he has a lady.
It's been a back to the old routine sort of week, what with school and hockey and then I have some guide stuff next week.
Will speak again tomorrow.
Love Mum xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
I have had a good couple of days exploring Penang, which is a lot quiter than KL, and possibly the thought of think you may think KL is initially. Yesterday was very hot today not so. It even rained this afternoon, it could have been England.
I am glad to here everything is ok at home and Will is getting settled into Leggott. How is the packing?
I have one day left in Penang before I headt Langkawi. I have heard form Helen and am going to get in touch with her.
Just a quick email today so I can catch up on writing up what I have been doing
Mum I have also sent you another email.
Hi Helen
Great to see you are getting around.
Very nice day here at Kew today too, warm and bright.
Busy trying to finish things off before hols. Nothing much more to add.
See you soon.
Hi Helen
Will look forward to hearing what Penang is like. Are you staying in a Youth Hostel type of place, or B & B?
Lovely day here, warm and sunny and I was out walking Lucy at 6.30 am. Up nice and early to get Will off on the 7.30 bus, which he managed, so far so good - just wait until he is chasing it down the road!!
Nothing much else to report since yesteday, nothing changes much in the NHS.
I was talking to Sarah the other night and she is looking forward to going a week on Saturday, she and Malary Partridge are in Lupton. Will was telling me that Racehl Everett has left the Grammar, she didn't like it, but unfortunately she didn't get in to Army either, so she is at home at the moment. Dave has got a girlfriend (not to be out done by Will), Hannah Grenn from Howsham Lane.
Anyway, must get on.
Speak again tomorrow.
Love Mum xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
I am now in Penang, am staying in the 75 Backacker Lodge. It is clean and comfortable but basic. Not bad but we booked ahead and spotted a nicer one round the corner so we are off to check that out in the morning, but if they don't have a room we are happy to stay here.
It was quite sad to leave the hospital and my flat mates but it is good to move on. I have loads to write about but am really tried after traveling all day so i will find a good couple of hours to fill you all in later in the week.
Yes i did recognise Graham, it was 2am in the morning, great timing.
Anyway just a quick note today to tell you i am still alive. I will write more tomorrow when i am less tired.
Hi Helen
Guess you will be on your travels now around Malaysia.
Did you get a funny phone call in the middle of the night, a few days ago, from a strange man? Well, it was Graham, if you hadn't guessed. Of course he was trying to gete hold of me and thought it was highly amusing he got you from around the other side of the world. Not quite sure how much that will have cost him.
Nice day in Lincolnshire today, nice and warm. 11 days to go now.
I was talking to Maried yesterday, she was telling me that Nicola and Mark have moved in together and are now living in Nottingham. Mark has got a job lecturing at the University there and Nicola is finishing off her thesis.
Must get on, speak soon.
Mum xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hello, it's been a while since I left a message but I never seem to be able to get on the computer. I had my resit on Friday, again it was very hard but I do feel I did slightly better 2nd time round. I will just have to keep my fingers crossed. I spent a few days in Manchester and all but on of my house mates came up and we all went out on Friday night which was nice. It's really good to be settled into the house now and I can't wait to go back permently.
It sounds like you getting plenty of time to explore and sight see which is good... makes it worth the money I bet! Are you looking forward to Mum and Dad coming do you have anything planned for them?
I've got about a week left of work, can't believe I have been there nearly 4 months it seems like 4 mins. I'm going to call walkabout in manchester tomorrow so see if they will have me there, it will be nice to have the extra money I want to save up and go tavelling now!!!
I went for a swim tonight and mum went to the gym, i got a bit bored swimming on my own though, the sauna and steam room have made my skin feel nice though.
I'm meeting up with Marybeth tomorrow, she goes to uni in a couple of weeks and she is very scared and not sure what to take etc so I think she just wants my advice really. It will be nice to see her again.
Right that's about it for now I think I will write more when I have some thing interesting to tell you
Lizzy x x x
P.S you journal doesn't sound stupid, your written English is amazing and it makes and enjoyable read so keep them coming!
Good to hear from you again.
Got some guide books on order so we will be able to do some planning then.
Warm and sunny at Kew today after a very wet weekend but got a posh new fence up between us and next doors now.
Not much happening, going to see a tree top walkway tomorrow, so that could be a bit more interesting.
Have you been able to contact Helen T?
Martin was keen for some feedback.
Got a bit more work to do then I will be cooking my tea.
Speak to you soon.
Hi Helen
Monday again and now on count down. Bought a couple of Guide books at the weekend and ordered our currency.
We have had a busy weekend, Grandma & Grandpa on Friday, finishing off the fence and path Saturday and Sunday, although the weather was grim on Saturday. Will was supposed to be biking at Dalby on Sunday, but it was too dangerous, far too much rain.
Is that you finished at the Hospital now? Your itinerary sounds good, at least you have plenty of time to explore Malaysia. When does Will come out to you?
Everything starts to get back to the old routine this week, what with school's going back and all that. Will seems quite chilled about Wednesday. Hockey starts on Wednesday as well, 8.30 pm start, so we will be there half the night!
Look forward to hearing of your travels when you get the cahnce to write. Better go and start my Monday morning.
Speak soon.
Mum xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Yet another monday. I hope it isn't too difficult settling back into the routine. Just think you can count down to your holidays now.
How is all the planning/packing going? I know the depressing feeling when you have to spend lots of money in boots on things that are not fun but you know you need them.
On the flight socks front it is really your decission. There are certain benifits particually with your veins and dad's bp but the risks are still small as neither of you smoke or have clottings problems. You could take regular asprin but I would seek further advice from the nurse if you are considering this. If I were you i would consider having a quick chat with the nurse or cornering the lady fom occupational health. The main thing you have to remember is to regually walk around and move your legs. You have a straight through flight so you have no chance to stretch your legs in the middle.
While you are in boots/supermarket you may want to invest in some alcohol hand spray, like you get in hospitals, to carry round with you. Very handy for befor meal time and after the loo. Also please can you bring me some I am running out. Thank you.
Have you thought about getting your self a guide book. Obviouly you can borrow mine but it may be particually useful when you are in Singapore for sights and restaraunts ect. I got mine from, it cost about 10 pounds, that was for the whole of malaysia and singapore.
It was nice to here form Grandma and Grandpa. Please pass on by birthday regards. I had not forgotten. It is good to here they are both well and that nothing has slowed their social life.
Good Luck at leggott for which ever day of the week you start. Is it Wednesday? Don't worry if it seems big it won't do after a couple of weeks.
I will write some more journal enteries after this so you can check them out.
I am leaving the hospital to flight to Penang tomorrow, so if you don't get an email that is why. I will write when i get there and keep popping into internet cafes when I can but it may end up that i write every couple of days instead of every day. I just thought I would prewarn you.
I hope this informs you sufficiently. Let me know if you ned ant more info.
I can't think of anything else but i am sure there is somthing. So I will write again later.
Grandma And Grandpa
Hello Helen
Received your card today and very pleased to here from you. Grandpa has had a very nice birthday. We are both keeping well and I am doing nicely and walking around OK and Grandpa is feeling his age!
Going out to Auntie Mary's tomorrow and Grahams on Sunday, so a very nice birthday all in all.
Pleased you are enjoying yourself and obviously working hard.
Love to you, see you when you get home an thinking about you all the time.
Love Grandma and Grandpa xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hi Helen
I am at the dark place today and sitting and working at the Chief Executive's desk. Feeling ery important!! Just had a Nursing & Midwifery meeting, now waiting to go into the Establishment Review meeting.
Nice and sunny today.
Got Grandma and Grandpa for tea tonight. Will is on duty at Laurens tonight, he has to go to a Golden Wedding Party.
Have to go now, meeting at 2 pm. Will write again.